International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Rome - Senior representatives of more than 60 countries including 22 cabinet ministers have met in Rome as part of a new push to galvanize support behind the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources and its Benefit-sharing Fund, considered essential...
Rome – The genetic diversity of the plants that we grow and eat and their “wild relatives” could be lost forever, threatening future food security, unless special efforts are stepped up to not only conserve but also utilize them, especially...
Cordoba (Spain) - The Secretary of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Dr Shakeel Bhatti has participated today in the International Seminar on the role of role of agricultural biodiversity in helping to ensure...
Cordoba (Spain) - Representatives from Governments, the private sector and international foundations discussed today in Cordoba (Spain) the role of the International Treaty’s new ‘Leading the Field’ initiative, an initiative which supports farmers in developing countries to adapt food crops...
Government officials and international experts from more than 30 countries of all world regions stress the role of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the Treaty) as a central instrument for climate change adaptation...

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