المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة

First of series of Educational Modules for implementing the Treaty launched at GB4 side event


A series of educational modules to introduce the Treaty to specific stakeholder groups is being prepared under the coordination of the Secretariat. The first module was presented and officially launched during a side event at GB4.

The modules are being developed through a participatory process, with the support of a group of international experts who have offered input on structure, scope and contents of each lesson.

Module 1 has a slow release. In this way, learners will be encouraged to offer their feedback on how well it meets their needs. Their suggestions will be considered for incorporation into the final edition of the module. Module 1 contains general information that is designed for newcomers to the Treaty. It shows how the Treaty mechanisms have been put it in place to help humankind cope with challenges such as food security, climate change and the loss of crop diversity. It also guides users through the objectives, scope and basic concepts of the Treaty, presents the Treaty’s evolution in its historical context, explains its main components and governance structure, and introduces the international framework governing crop diversity and partnerships for the Treaty’s implementation.

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