International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The Benefit-sharing Fund: a new approach towards building partnerships


Since the launch of the first call for proposals by the Benefit Sharing Fund (BSF) in 2009, there has been a significant increase in the size of the Fund’s portfolio. Currently, the BSF portfolio comprises 30 projects being implemented in 35 countries around the globe. These projects are at various stages of implementation, with some nearing completion whilst others are at the inception stage.

All of these projects have a common objective of conservation  and sustainable use of crop diversity in developing countries, with a focus on helping to ensure sustainable food security by assisting farmers to adapt to climate change. In view of the growing BSF portfolio, there is a concerted effort on part of the International Treaty Secretariat to further streamline the Fund’s operational processes and procedures. In this regard, a key area of focus in 2012 is the development of partnerships with Inter-governmental Agencies.

This new approach towards building synergetic partnerships is in line with the resolution adopted by the Governing Body at its 4th session in Bali, encouraging the Treaty Secretariat to explore such partnership opportunities which would enhance the BSF’s profile as well as further improve its implementation capacity.  

To date, the Treaty Secretariat has initiated discussions with several potential partners whose strategic objectives are aligned with those of the BSF. It is anticipated that these partnerships, once formalized, will significantly contribute towards the achievement of common objectives  through leveraging, combining and capitalizing on complementary strengths and capabilities.

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