International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Enabling Farmers to Face Climate Change


The Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture has published online the booklet “Enabling Farmers to Face Climate Change” which provides an overview of the characteristics and main activities of the projects that are being implemented as part of the second project portfolio of its Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF).

The publication provides information about 22 projects that are currently implemented in 33 countries across Africa, Asia, Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean. The Secretariat has finalized also now the agreements for additional eight project proposals that have been approved for funding during the second call for proposals and for which funds have become available during 2013. The additional projects will be implemented in 27 countries across different regions, including also South West Pacific.

The aim of this booklet is to give a general overview of the second project portfolio, as well as to share achievements, best practices and lessons learned during its Midterm phase of implementation. A Report on the Second Round of the Project Cycle of the Benefit-sharing Fund will be elaborated at the end of the project cycle and will convey results and achievements in a more comprehensive way, as requested by the Governing Body at its Fifth Session.

Type of projects and figures

The twenty two projects under the second cycle are substantially larger and more comprehensive than the eleven small scale projects funded in the first cycle. Resources are allocated to projects in developing countries that have a focus on helping ensure sustainable food security by assisting farmers to adapt to climate change and are supported by member governments, the private sector and international foundations in a coordinated manner.

This second portfolio features two types of projects: immediate action projects and projects that aim at the development of strategic action plans within and across agro-ecological regions.

In just one year, 17.000 farmers, researches, gene bank curators, governmental officials, students and lectures and 215 grassroots organizations have been directly involved and benefited from initiatives sponsored by BSF in this second project cycle. More than 160 institutions are partnering in the execution of project activities and are being involved in all stages of project implementation.

As much as 30.900 kg of seeds have been distributed to more than 3000 farmers for multiplication, selection and improvement and progress is made for the individuation of resistant to biotic and abiotic stress crop varieties as to build resilience in the face of climate change and contribute to food security of vulnerable rural communities.

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