International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Norway supports farmers' active use of plant genetic resources


The Government of Norway has announced its annual contribution to the Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty to support farmers’ conservation and use of plant genetic resources. The announcement of the contribution was made by Mr Terje Halleland, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, in the presence of Mr Kent Nnadozie, Secretary Ad Interim of the International Treaty, on the occasion of the hosting of the second meeting of the Bureau of the International Treaty in Oslo.

This year's contribution is just over NOK 800 000 (US$ 90 000 approx.), and it corresponds to 0.1 percent of the value of seeds and agricultural plant material sold in Norway in 2016.

“Precisely because the Norwegian food production depends on genetic resources from other countries we use a percentage of the sales as a basis to calculate our contribution”, said Mr Halleland, who added that the contribution was also significant because it provided “predictable resources to the Benefit-sharing Fund”.

Through the Benefit-sharing Fund Norway is already supporting the efforts of the international community and assisting farmers to conserve crop seeds in the field and to adapt them to climate change.  The ongoing projects of the Third Project Cycle of the Fund are helping more than 55 000 farmers in the field in collaboration with national implementing organizations that have planned for more than 200 workshops on various topics, including the development and transfer of technology.

“Norway is a pioneer in this area. In addition to the maintenance of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, it has supported the Benefit-sharing Fund with both annual and special contributions within a broader funding scheme to sustain crop biodiversity”, said Mr Nnadozie.

The Benefit-sharing Fund contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2, zero hunger, and 15, life on land.  The new funds announced by Norway will be used in the preparation of the Fourth Call for project proposals, together with other contributions from Italy, Australia, the European Seed Association, Sweden, Indonesia, the International Seed Federation and Austria. 


Photo: Mr Terje Halleland, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Mr Kent Nnadozie, Secretary Ad Interim of the International Treaty during the announcement in Oslo.

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