المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة

ملف الصحافة

Press Dossier
When the chips are down, the world may one day owe a debt of gratitude to a group of potato farmers high up in the mountains of Peru. Thanks to a new $116 million global fund established this summer, the...
RESEARCHERS say farmers in developing countries are losing one of their best hopes to limit the impact of climate change because of growing corporate control of the seeds they plant. The warning comes ahead of the World Seed Conference which...
Farmers in developing countries are losing traditional varieties because of growing corporate control of the seeds they plant, hampering their ability to cope with climate change, a London-based think tank said on Monday. The International Institute for Environment and Development...
We are not going back to the pleistocene age of the hunter-gatherers. Instead experts indicate that the world’s population will increase from approximately six billion to nine billion by 2050—all to be fed, clothed and even fueled by agricultural products....
Years of deadlock between developed and developing nations on seed sharing have been broken with an agreement to set up a fund to help poor farmers preserve the world's biodiversity. The fund was agreed during a week-long meeting of the...

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