International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Regional preparatory meetings for the Eighth Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


I am pleased to inform you that, in the coming months, the Secretariat of the International Treaty will be facilitating four regional meetings in Africa, Asia, Near East, and Latin America to support preparations for the Eighth Session of the Governing Body that will take place in Rome from 11 to 16 November 2019.

The meetings will enable the preparations of and consultations among delegates that will be participating in the Eighth Session of the Governing Body. Thanks to the generous support of the Governments of Ireland, Italy and Norway, limited extra-budgetary resources are available to support the organization of the meetings and will enable the Secretariat to cover the costs of at least one delegate per Contracting Party.

Code: NCP GB8-24 - Regional pre-GB8 Consultations

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