International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Invitation to send information on interrelations between the International Treaty, especially its Article 9, and relevant instruments of UPOV and WIPO, pursuant to Resolution 8/2013

23/01/2015 This Notification invites Contracting Parties, stakeholders, and others to share any relevant information on the identification of interrelations between the International Treaty and relevant instruments of UPOV and WIPO pursuant to Resolution 8/2013. This Resolution was adopted by the Governing Body at its Fifth Session and “requests the Secretary to invite UPOV and WIPO to jointly identify possible areas of interrelations among their respective international instruments”. This matter and the relevant information will be forwarded to the Ad Hoc  Technical Committee on Sustainable Use of PGRFA. Note:  Contracting Parties, stakeholders and others are invited to submit information pursuant to this Notification through the online facility:

Code: GB6-028

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