International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


I have the honour to inform you that the Seventh Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty will be held in Kigali, Rwanda, from 30 October to 3 November 2017, at the Kigali Convention Centre. The Session will...
Code: NCP GB7-024 Seventh Governing Body – Announcement
I have the honour to bring to your attention a proposal by the government of Switzerland for an amendment of Annex I to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the International Treaty), in accordance with...
Code: NCP GB7-023 Proposal amendment ITPGRFA
The purpose of this notification is to further request Contracting Parties to provide comments and inputs on the Multi-Year Programme of Work of the International Treaty (MYPOW) for the period 2018-2025 that will be presented to the Seventh Session of...
Code: NCP GB7-022 Inputs MYPOW
Strengthening national capacities on plant genetic resources in the context of the Global Information System of the International Treaty The Secretariat is pleased to announced the organization of the workshop “Strengthening national capacities on plant genetic resources in the context of...
Code: NCP GB7-021 GLIS Workshop NENA
The purpose of this notification is to remind Contracting Parties of their obligation to submit national reports on measures taken for the implementation of the International Treaty under the Compliance Procedures. The Governing Body approved, at its Fourth Session, the Compliance...
Code: NCP GB7-020 Compliance

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