International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Crop Diversity, its Conservation and Use for Better Food Systems. The Crop Trust Perspective

The genetic diversity contained in crops and their wild relatives is the foundation of tomorrow's agriculture, allowing farmers and professional breeders to develop the new crop varieties that agriculture needs to adapt to changing conditions. The loss of this diversity poses a considerable risk to global food security. The conservation of agrobiodiversity in situ (in nature and in agricultural practice) as well as ex situ (in genebanks) is indispensable. However, many genebanks are unable to guarantee the safe conservation of the material in their care, let alone to create opportunities for its use in plant breeding and for more sustainable agriculture. This publication gives a status update on ex situ conservation and what remains to be done.

Subject area(s)
Policy development
Subject category(ies)
The role of gene banks
Global Crop Diversity Trust & United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021
Publication date
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Resource type
Publication or report
Resource format
Primary geographic focus
Open access

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