Plataforma técnica sobre la medición y la reducción de las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos

La reducción de las pérdidas de alimentos

Las causas de las pérdidas y el desperdicio de alimentos en países de ingresos bajos se deben principalmente a limitaciones técnicas y de gestión en técnicas de cosecha, instalaciones de almacenamiento y refrigeración en condiciones climáticas difíciles, infraestructura, sistemas de empaquetado y comercialización. Dado que gran cantidad de pequeños agricultores en países en desarrollo vive en los márgenes de inseguridad alimentaria, una reducción en las pérdidas de alimentos podría tener un importante impacto inmediato en sus medios de subsistencia.

Las cadenas de suministro alimentario en países en desarrollo deben reforzarse, entre otras cosas, fomentando que pequeños agricultores se organicen y diversifiquen y amplíen su producción y comercialización. Inversiones en infraestructura, transporte, industria alimentaria e industria del embalaje también son necesarias. Tanto el sector público como privado tienen un papel que desempeñar en esta tarea. (Fuente: FAO 2012. Pérdidas y desperdicio de alimentos en el mundo – Alcance, causas y prevención)

Regional level

At regional level, countries are committing themselves towards the reduction of food loss. Below are reported some major milestones.

African Union - Malabo declaration

The AU launched 2014 the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security” marking the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) on January 30, 2014 during its 22nd Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme “Transforming Africa’s Agriculture for shared prosperity and improved livelihoods: Harnessing Opportunities for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development”. In commemoration of the year, the African Union Commission (AUC) carried out broad based consultations with key stakeholders, including AU Member States, producers, women and youth organizations, and development and technical partners across the continent to review, strategize and set goals, actions and targets for the next decade to 2025 as part of “Sustaining the CAADP Momentum”.

Near East and North Africa Strategy

Food losses and waste (FLW) in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Region are high and contribute to reduced food availability, aggravated water scarcity, adverse environmental impacts and increased food imports, in an already highly import-dependent region. The Near East & North Africa (NENA) Regional Strategic Framework for reducing FLW components are based on the region’s socio-economic and natural resources context.

Latin America and Caribbean Strategy

In September 2015 the first Regional dialogue on food losses and waste for Latin America and the Caribbean was facilitated by FAO and brought together FLW working groups, national committees on food security and hunger eradication, technicians, researchers, civil society, academia, food industry and other food system actors to move towards prevention and reduction at national and regional level.

Country level selected interventions

In several years of activities carried on in many countries worldwide, different examples of FL reduction solutions have been identified.

Some main ongoing interventions carried on by governments, international organizations and development institutions have been selected for your consultation.

In the framework of the Chinese government’s commitment towards food loss reduction, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a notice in July 2014 on “Food loss reduction” (Chinese); and, subsequently, in August, the State Administration of Grain issued a notice on “Saving food and reducing food losses and waste” (Chinese).

FAO, IFAD, and WFP have launched a joint project, which includes activities in Burkina Faso, Uganda and DRC: Mainstreaming Food Loss Reduction Initiatives for Smallholders in Food Deficit Areas (leaflet).

Other relevant information can be accessed at the links below:

Mapping post-harvest management (PHM) interventions

An interactive Map of PHM worldwide activities and initiatives is available in this website.

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