FAO Food Loss App - FLAPP
FAO has just developed a new app to convert a methodology to measure food losses at the farm level. The Food Loss App - FLAPP’s main objective is to help designing targeted policies and incentives that in the future will allow losses to be reduced, directly impacting UN Sustainable Goal Target 12.3.
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste - UN Secretary General message | 29 September 2020
António Guterres, UN Secretary-General on the occasion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (29 September 2020)
Food loss and waste are among the main causes of climate change
Every year, around 14 percent of the world’s food is lost after harvest and in the distribution chain prior to retail, and an additional 17 percent of food available to consumers is wasted. Food loss and waste account for 8 to 10 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide i...
FAO Goodwill Ambassador Diarmuid Gavin makes a call to action for reducing food loss and waste
Marking International Day for Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, FAO National Goodwill Ambassador for Ireland Diarmuid Gavin reminds us that 31 % of total greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the food system. He calls for all of us to act in order to maximize the use of food produced and to reduce food loss and waste.
Achieving Better Nutrition in Asia-Pacific by reducing food loss and waste – leaving no one behind
This video looks at an example of achieving better nutrition in Malaysia through reductions of food loss and waste.
Other relevant videos
Stemming Aflatoxin pre- and post-harvest waste in the groundnut value chain (GnVC)
FANRAPAN regional climate-smart agriculture policy dialogue hosted in Lusaka in August 2015 and some practical ways to reduce pre- and post-harvest losses in the Zambia and Malawi experiences
Cutting back the loss - Post-harvest loss management
Responding to postharvest challenges faced by farmers like James, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Government, through its agricultural extension arms – Departments of Agricultural Mechanization and AGRITEX, rolled out a project aimed at reducing post harvest grain losses.
FAO Food policy series: food loss and waste
This video forms part of a series of policy and governance videos being produced by FAO in 2016.
Empowering farmers - Reducing Post-Harvest Loss
Post-harvest food loss is a major contributor to hunger and under nutrition affecting farming families across Africa. Farmers who chose to participate in WFP’s Zero Food Loss Initiative have seen a drastic reduction in grain losses (from 40% to less than 2%), a tripling of incomes, and availability of food throughout the lean season.
Reducing Food Loss and Waste - Egypt
FAO works with farmers, traders and the general public to tackle the loss and waste
IFAD in Rwanda: Reducing Food Loss in a Changing Climate
Climate change and heavy rainfall are making things worse. To assist farmers with post-harvest crop losses, the Government of Rwanda in partnership with IFAD, is funding business plans.
IFPRI Policy Seminar : Nigeria's Solar-Powered Cold Chain Business
This policy seminar will reflect on Nigeria’s “cold hub” experience and discuss how cold chain development can work for rural communities, women’s empowerment, food loss prevention, and broader agri-food system development.
SAWBO animation: Mycotoxins in Crops
This animation shows some best practices when it comes to storing your crop to prevent mold growth.