Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste


In New York, during the UN Food Systems Summit all commitments to action were disclosed, and the "Food is Never Waste Coalition" was launched. This video describes the rationale and aims of the coalition.


Main achievements of the UN Rome-based Agencies project “Mainstreaming food loss reduction initiatives for smallholders in food deficit areas” project, jointly implemented by the Rome-Based UN Agencies (RBA)”


What is the real cost of food? Around 14% of all food produced is between harvest and the wholesale market. But food loss is not only about money lost. There are also social and environmental impacts. Food is worth much more than what we pay for it. Stop Food Loss and Waste. For the people. For the planet.

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Post-harvest food loss is a major contributor to hunger and under nutrition affecting farming families across Africa. Farmers who chose to participate in WFP’s Zero Food Loss Initiative have seen a drastic reduction in grain losses (from 40% to less than 2%), a tripling of incomes, and availability of food throughout the lean season.


FAO works with farmers, traders and the general public to tackle the loss and waste


Climate change and heavy rainfall are making things worse. To assist farmers with post-harvest crop losses, the Government of Rwanda in partnership with IFAD, is funding business plans.


This policy seminar will reflect on Nigeria’s “cold hub” experience and discuss how cold chain development can work for rural communities, women’s empowerment, food loss prevention, and broader agri-food system development.


This animation shows some best practices when it comes to storing your crop to prevent mold growth.