Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming


This training program is aimed at managers and those in charge of marketing and sales, as well as general managers of agriculture, family, cooperative and MSME organizations from the member countries of the Mercosur - REAF Family Farming Network, as well as from the states associated with MERCOSUR. Gender and indigenous peoples' quotas should be considered.


The Course "New Technologies and Practices for Family Farming" is part of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming (, in collaboration with the projects "Sowing Capacities" (ABC, MAPA Brazil, MADR Colombia and FAO) and "Farmers Organizations for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries - FO4ACP" (IFAD, EU, OACPS, PROCASUR and FAO).


The Course "Family Farming: From concepts to practice is part of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming ( in alliance with the “Sembrando Capacities” projects (ABC, MAPA Brazil, MADR Colombia and FAO) and “Farmers Organizations for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries -FO4ACP” (IFAD, EU, OACPS, PROCASUR and FAO).


The Course “Short supply chains in Family Farming” is part of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming ( in alliance with the Projects "Sembrando Oportunidades" (ABC, MAPA Brazil, MADR Colombia and FAO ) and the Farmers Organizations for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries - FO4ACP (FIDA, EU, OACPS, PROCASUR and FAO).


The Course “Innovation and Sustainability in Family Farming”, is part of the Regional Technical Platform for Family Farming ( in alliance with the Projects "Sembrando Oportunidades" (ABC, MAPA Brazil, MADR Colombia and FAO ) and the Farmers Organizations for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries - FO4ACP (FIDA, EU, OACPS, PROCASUR and FAO).