School food global hub

A summary of the guidelines includes the following

Food groups and types of foods to choose

Amount to be eaten

Main nutrients they provide

Energy foods - starchy staples

Energy food to choose:

  • Locally grown root crops
  • Breadfruit, cooked green bananas
  • Whole grain breads
  • Brown rice

Energy foods to limit:

  • Refined grains and cereals such as white rice, pasta, noodles, vermicelli and bread
  • Food prepared with fats and sugar, e.g. biscuits and cakes

Energy foods to avoid:

  • Processed and deep-fried foods
  • Sugar and free sugars
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages

Should make up half (50%) of all the food you eat each day

Eat at least six portions each day

Example of portion:

 1portion = fist



Dietary fibre

Protective foods - all vegetables and fruits

Protective foods to choose:

  • All fresh fruits and vegetables, locally grown
  • All frozen vegetables and fruits with no added sugar or salt

Protective food to limit:

  • Canned fruit in juice is a good alternative if fresh fruit is limited
  • Dried fruits with no added sugar or preservatives
  • Canned vegetables containing little salt

Protective food to avoid:

  • Canned vegetables
  • Dried fruits with added sugar or preservatives
  • Cordials and fruit drinks
  • Fruit juice and fruit juice concentrate

Should make up one third (35%) of all the foods you eat each day

Eat five or more portions each day

Example of portions:

Vegetables: 1 portion = 2 cupped hands

Fruit : 1 portion = 1 cupped hand



Dietary fibre



Body-building foods - protein-rich foods

Bodybuilding foods to choose:

  • Local, mean cuts of meat, chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Dried beans and legumes
  • Nuts
  • Reduced-fat milk and milk products

Body building foods to limit:

  • Meat with visible fat
  • Canned meat or fish with high salt content

Body-building foods to avoid:

  • Processed meat - spam, canned corned meat
  • Corned beef/brisket in container, burger, sausages, condensed milk, mutton flaps

Should make up one-sixth (15%) of all the food you eat each day

Eat at least one to two portions each day

Example of portions:

Meat: 1 portion = palm of a hand

Nuts: 1 portion = 1 cupped hand

Beans/legumes: 1 portion = 1 cupped hand

Protein and essential amino acids



Fatty acids

Fibre (from dried beans and nuts)


Tuck shops should sell nutritious food items for students. Ideas include:  

  • Fruits-fresh sliced, fruit salad, or fruit smoothies (made from real fruit not a sugary mix).  

  • Baked or boiled root crops.  

  • Tuna or egg sandwiches; or bean or veggie wraps; or roti parcels.  

  • Air-popped popcorn. Limit added salt and butter.  

  • Nuts.  

  • Fresh coconut juice, sparkling water, other sugar-free drinks.  

  • Vegetables or salads.  

  • Cooked noodles with added vegetables.  

Tuck shops may not serve:  

  • Sugar-sweetened drinks including fizzy drinks, sports drinks, cordials, sweetened coffee or tea, or cordials.  

  • Deep-fried foods including breads, doughnuts, meats.  

  • Pastry-based foods including sausage rolls and fish and chips.  

  • Ice cream, confectionary, ice blocks.  

  • Salty snacks including fries, chips, biscuits, twisties, uncooked noodles, cheese snacks, and fried peas.  

  • Candies, lollies, chocolates, or fudge