School food global hub

Summary of standards

Breakfast and snacks: Food qualities and frequencies for health-promoting and sustainable breakfast and snacks on five catering days

Food group Food qualities-optimal choice Food quantities and frequencies
Orientation values for food quantities for five catering days, per pupil, primary school level and secondary school level
  Mixed DietOvo-Lacto Vegetarian Diet
Grain, grain products and potatoes ·   wholemeal products
·   pseudo cereals
·   muesli without sugar or sweetener
min. 10 x (min. 2 x daily)
p: approx. 450 g, s: approx. 500-700 g
› thereof: min. half of the daily offer
from wholemeal products
min. 10 x (min. 2 x daily)
p: approx. 450 g, s: approx. 500-700 g
› thereof: min. half of the daily offer
from wholemeal products
Vegetables and salad ·   vegetables, fresh or frozen
·   legumes
·   salad
min. 5 x (min. 1 x daily)
p: approx. 500 g, s: approx. 550-750 g
› thereof: min. 3 x as raw vegetables
min. 5 x (min. 1 x daily)
p: approx. 500 g, s: approx. 550-750 g
› thereof: min. 3 x as raw vegetables
Fruit ·   fruits, fresh or frozen, without sugar or sweetener
·   nuts (unsalted) and oilseeds
10 x (2 x daily)
p: approx. 900 g, s: approx. 1000-1200 g
› thereof: min. 2 x as nuts or oilseeds
p: approx. 25 g, s: approx. 50-60 g
10 x (2 x daily)
p: approx. 900 g, s: approx. 1000-1200 g
› thereof: min. 2 x as nuts or oilseeds
p: approx. 25 g, s: approx. 50-60 g
Milk and dairy ·   milk, plain yoghurt, buttermilk, sour milk, kefir: max. fat content 3.8 %
·   quark: max. fat content 5 %
→ each without sugar or sweetener
·   cheese: max. fat content 30 %
min. 10 x (min. 2 x daily)
p: approx. 1200 g, s: approx. 1400-1600 g
min. 10 x (min. 2 x daily)
p: approx. 1200 g, s: approx. 1500-1700 g
Meat, sausage, fish1 and eggs2 meat and cold cuts: max. 20 % fat max. 2 x meat / cold cuts offered
p: approx. 20 g, s: approx. 40-50 g
omitted in an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet2
Oils and fats ·   rapeseed oil
·   linseed, walnut, soybean, olive oil
·   margarine made from the oils mentioned
rapeseed oil as standard oil
p: approx. 30 g, s: approx. 30-50 g
rapeseed oil as standard oil
p: approx. 30 g, s: approx. 30-50 g
Beverages ·   water
·   fruit and herbal tea
→ each without sugar or sweetener
beverages are available at any time beverages are available at any time

1. Given the eating habits of German children and adolescents, fish was not included in the nutrient-optimised breakfast and snack menus.

2. There is no recommendation on the number of eggs to be consumed. In the nutrient-optimised meal plans, approx. 20-30 g (mixed diet) or 30-40 g (ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet) of eggs per week were calculated for breakfast and snacks.


Lunch: Food qualities and frequencies for a health-promoting and sustainable lunch on five catering days

Food group Food qualities-optimal choice Food quantities and frequencies
Orientation values for food quantities for five catering days, per pupil, primary school level and secondary school level
Mixed diet Ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet
Grain, grain products and potatoes ·   wholemeal products
·   pseudo cereals
·   potatoes, raw or precooked
·   parboiled rice or brown rice
5 x (1 x daily)
p: approx. 600 g, s: approx. 650-800 g
› min. 1 x wholemeal products
› max. 1 x potato products
5 x (1 x daily)
p: approx. 600 g, s: approx. 650-800 g
› min. 1 x wholemeal products
› max. 1 x potato products
Vegetables and salad ·   vegetables, fresh or frozen
·   legumes
·   salad
5 x (1 x daily)
p: approx. 800 g, s: approx. 900-1200 g
› min. 2 x as raw vegetables
› min. 1 x legumes
p: approx. 80 g, s: approx. 100-120 g
5 x (1 x daily)
p: approx. 900 g, s: approx. 1000-1400 g
› min. 2 x as raw vegetables
› min. 1 x legumes
p: approx. 140 g, s: approx. 150-200 g
Fruit ·   fruits, fresh or frozen, without sugar or sweetener
·   nuts (unsalted) and oilseeds
min. 2 x
p: approx. 150 g, s: approx. 150-200 g
› thereof: min. 1 x as whole fruit
min. 2 x
p: approx. 150 g, s: approx. 150-200 g
› min. 1 x as whole fruit
› min. 1 x nuts or oilseeds
p: approx. 25 g, s: approx. 25-30 g
Milk and dairy ·   milk, plain yoghurt, buttermilk, sour milk, kefir: max. fat content 3,8 %
·   quark: max. fat content 5 %
→ each without sugar or sweetener
·   cheese: max. fat content 30 %
min. 2 x
p: approx. 200 g, s: approx. 200-300 g
min. 2 x
p: approx. 200 g, s: approx. 200-300 g
Meat, sausage, fish and eggs3 Lean muscle meat max. 1 x meat /sausage
p: approx. 60 g, s: approx. 70-90 g
› thereof: min. 2 x lean muscle meat within 20 catering days
1 x fish
p: approx. 45 g, s: approx. 50-70 g
› thereof: min. 2 x fatty fish within 20 catering days
omitted in an ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet
Oils and fats ·   rapeseed oil
·   linseed, walnut, soybean, olive oil
·   margarine made from the oils mentioned
rapeseed oil as standard oil
p: approx. 30 g, s: approx. 30-40 g
rapeseed oil as standard oil
p: approx. 30 g, s: approx. 30-40 g
Beverages ·   water
·   fruit and herbal tea
→ each without sugar or sweetener
beverages are available at any time beverages are available at any time

3. There is no recommendation on the number of eggs to be consumed. In the nutrient-optimised meal plans, approx. 20-30 g (mixed diet) or 40-50 g (ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet) of eggs per week were calculated for lunch.