inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Analyzing Poverty, Water and Agriculture Across Livelihood Systems, Asia

RURAL POVERTY ANALYSIS - From measuring poverty to profiling and targeting the poor in rural areas



Agriculture-based activities remain the primary source of livelihood for rural households, either directly or indirectly. Expert consultations have enabled identification of major livelihood systems in the region that are geographically located by reclassifying the agricultural systems map and including additional criteria and mapping layers. Specifically, the livelihood systems are based mainly on the following biophysical and socio-economic criteria: Land cover and land use;  Agricultural water management and use;  Climate; Topography; Dominant crops; and Population density.

Given the central role of agriculture in Asian livelihoods, the potential to achieve poverty reduction through water interventions should be assessed based mainly on agricultural needs. Areas combining high agricultural potential and high rates of poverty should be targeted because the great potential impacts on poverty.

Water investment policies must be designed appropriately and targeted to areas where water interventions have the highest potential to contribute to improved livelihoods and alleviation of rural poverty. But water plays a key role in multiple aspects of rural livelihoods. Therefore, agricultural water interventions should be accompanied by complementary interventions that recognize the multiple uses of water.