inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Knowledge Products

Sustainable Land and Water Management
A new report has unveiled a detailed land cover map of Tunisia, highlighting key agricultural areas such as cultivated land, olive trees, date palms, and orchards, while also integrating land water management practices. Using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and existing water management data, the map offers regional and national statistics on land cover distribution.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
The brief "Promoting productive water use and efficient water management in paddy fields" summarizes the findings from the project "Efficient agricultural water use and management enhancement in paddy fields". The brief describes the current state of paddy production in the participating countries in the context of agricultural water management, and the upcoming activities.
Water Governance
The aim of this paper is to advocate for a greater emphasis on the governance dimension of water-related issues, as well as the importance of investing in the development of institutions that balance water demand and supply and mediate between competing user demands for inclusive and sustainable water management.
Water Adaptation
The publication aims to update the knowledge and enhance the capacity of water professionals, raise awareness of the strengths and limitations of remote sensing models and databases for evapotranspiration, and clarify operational aspects such as spatial and temporal resolutions and accuracy.
Asia and Pacific
This brief highlights the need for adaptive management, underpinned by research, as essential for ensuring that infrastructure development remains ecologically sustainable and benefits communities reliant on fisheries.
Asia and Pacific
This brief outlines the significance of spatial planning in water resource management, specifically in addressing habitat fragmentation and the challenges posed by fish passage barriers. Through advanced tools like the Fish Barrier Prioritization Support System (FBPSS), GIS technology is harnessed to efficiently identify, assess, and prioritize these barriers.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
This policy brief delves into the intricate nexus of agriculture, water, and GEDSI, presenting a comprehensive overview of why and how these principles should be seamlessly integrated across all stages of the project cycle.
Water Modelling
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in partnership with the Stockholm Environment Institute, carried out detailed capacity assessments in seven countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The main objective of the assessments was to better understand water modelling capacities, and the extent to which modelling is used in policy development and implementation.
Non-Conventional Water Resources
This report is the result of collaboration between FAO Subregional Office for North Africa and the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA) within the framework of FAO Regional Water Scarcity initiative (WSI) and the project "Unlocking the potential of wastewater treated water and drainage water for agricultural development in Maghreb countries".
Extreme events
This report "Drought in the Maghreb Region: Diagnosis, Impacts, and Perspectives for Strengthening the Resilience of the Agricultural Sector " represents a new contribution to efforts aimed at strengthening the agricultural sector's resilience in facing drought and climate change impacts by emphasizing drought mitigation and adaptation in the context of climate change and water scarcity.