inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Knowledge Products

Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
In 2020, the devastating COVID-19 virus wreaked havoc across the world, on health and the economy alike, severely affecting every aspect of human life. The pandemic has already shaken the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to its very core and, as it continues, the full effect on the progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is still to be determined.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
The area under study is located on the western part of Mount Lebanon, and was chosen for being a typical Mediterranean Lebanese coastal basin and the main water supplier for greater Beirut. Furthermore, water in the basin is mainly used for domestic and agricultural purposes, the basin is known to be a touristic and recreational area and the presence of multi-stakeholders.
Non-Conventional Water Resources
Unlocking the Potential of Treated Wastewater and Drainage Water for Agricultural Development webinar series has granted the opportunity for various stakeholders to voice out their experience as well as lessons learned. It has also allowed experts in the field to discuss the challenges that they have been through while implementing treated wastewater reuse projects in their respective countries.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
Between 2020 and 2025 the WSP will assess the scope of water scarcity in the region, evaluate effective management response options, work to improve governance, and assist partner countries to implement adaptive management in the agriculture water sector using appropriate and newly developed tools and methodologies.
Water Governance
The main FAO-TCP objective is to strengthen national capacity in the field of analysis, planning and coordination for water resources management in Azerbaijan. The TCP’s major outcomes are expected to be improved agricultural productivity and food security, increased conservation of land and water resources and increased resilience of agriculture to impacts of climate change.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
The project activities are related to the strengthened agrometeorological services and early-warning systems are part of the project “Strengthening institutions and capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Veterinary Inspection Service for policy formulation” funded by the European Union.
Non-Conventional Water Resources
On March, the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA), in collaboration with the FAO office for North Africa, organized a high-level Maghreb political dialogue which presented the visions, strategic orientations and approaches adopted for the use of the potential of so-called unconventional water resources.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
The SAGA project is a global project currently focusing on two countries, Senegal and Haiti. These initiatives have become valuable examples of farmers adapting in countries particularly threatened and vulnerable to climate change. For Senegal, locally adapted, innovative water management techniques have meant gardens are flourishing, providing communities better income and healthier diets.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
Water for all people. It means health, hygiene and hydration. For the spiritual, it can mean a connection with creation, community or oneself. For farmers, it means food and income. For Paul, a 33-year-old man from Kiambu county in Kenya, water has meant a new reason to stay in his country.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
The project “Knowing water better: Towards fairer and more sustainable access to natural resources for greater food security” (KnoWat)”, is funded by the Government of Germany and implemented by FAO in partnership with Rwanda Water Resources Board (RWB) and with close collaboration with Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB).