inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Knowledge Products

Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
As part of efforts to ensure sustainable food production through developed and efficient irrigation systems, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) are going to implement a Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) for promoting drip irrigation in the country.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
Since autumn 2020, unseasonably low levels of rainfall across the eastern region of the Mediterranean Basin, have contributed to drought conditions in Syria and Iraq. Given the country's semi-arid climate, the annual water balance is determined by precipitation patterns between October and April and pronounced seasonal rainfall, with deficits accumulated enduring for the remainder of the year.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
Peter Rabbit has joined forces with the United Nations (UN), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN Foundation to enlist more food heroes, like Peter, who see the value in fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet and a healthier planet.
Water Governance
This project aims to enable Viet Nam and Lao PDR to address freshwater resource management and ecosystem health in the transboundary Ma and the Neun/Ca river basins and coastal zones by creating an enabling environment for transboundary cooperation and action.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
The impact of the poor harvest from the 2020/21 agricultural season on Syrian families is compounded by interrelated issues that include economic constraints, currency depreciation, poverty, conflict, population displacement and climate-induced factors.
Water Governance
El estudio de caso sobre la gobernanza del agua en la cuenca del río Los Amates, Guatemala, forma parte del programa global de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) sobre la gobernanza de los recursos hídricos para un uso más eficiente, transparente y equitativo del agua para la agricultura.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
Abstract Farming for the sustainable production of halophyte crops should begin with the popular knowledge of saline and beneficial plants. In this respect, the use of drip irrigation with a seawater supply for the production of the halophytic specie Salicornia magellanica was evaluated in a small-scale culture.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
GIEWS Country Briefs provide up to date information on the food security situation of monitored countries. The Country Briefs include information on the current agricultural season and the harvest prospects for the main staple food crops and livestock situation.
Resilience and Climate Change Adaption
The practice is based on the reconversion of intensive land use areas for livestock or agricultural purposes to watershed protection areas, to catch and retain water resources in order to increase their availability. The rearrangement of land occupation and use is carried out through the purchase of land by local institutions and the reconversion from production to protection systems.
Water Productivity Tools and Analytics
The project “Rehabilitation and waste management of El-Bared Canal Irrigation System to reduce source-to-sea pollution and improve livelihoods in the Akkar Region of Lebanon”, financed by the Government of Norway, has been formulated to ensure minimal discharges of waste from El-Bared System to the Mediterranean Sea.