inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Water Harvesting in Atajados, Bolivia



01/01/2021 The project was implemented to improve family farming production, quality of life and promote sustainable development through the efficient use of water and soil reserves in a high Andean community in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

The Rodeo community, Tiraque, Cochabamba, suffers from water shortages due to erratic rainfall and deteriorating environmental conditions that cause the absence of water reserves and watercourses.   The production of traditional crops is conditioned by seasonal rains, which often do not meet the requirements of the crops and is carried out by women and young people because the heads of family migrate in search of paid work. 

The objective of the practice is to build up water reserves to cover crop needs that have not been met by the rains; additionally incorporating efficient irrigation systems, ensuring and improving crop production that sustain the community's food supply, and generate complementary economies.

Crop productivity with natural irrigation (rainfall) has shown to be significantly lower than that obtained with the implementation of supplementary irrigation, optimised with the use of efficient irrigation equipment.  This practice ensures the production of food for family consumption, produces surpluses to strengthen their economy and, above all, strengthens the autonomy of women and the capacities of young people who are involved in farming activities.

This practice is applicable in areas with regular rainfall and relief conditions that allow rainwater to be collected and reserved to irrigate land at lower altitudes.  The practice was carried out to regulate small water volumes (90 m3) with dam walls made of local material; however, reservoirs for larger volumes can be built using appropriate technology and materials (geotextile sheets, concrete retaining walls).  It can also be used to secure livestock farms and specially to maintain agrosilvopastoral systems.