inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Empowering Female Farmers through Improved Access to Water Technologies | IWMI

Vegetable farmer who uses solar pumps for irrigation in the Kamalpur

©IWMI/Nabin Baral


Solar irrigation technology has the potential to empower more than 12 million women farmers across Nepal who constitute the backbone of the country’s farming system. In Nepal, managing water for drinking, livestock, sanitation, and homestead irrigation largely remains the responsibility of women and girls. Yet for women producers and entrepreneurs in particular, their limited access to water and related technologies, information, skills, and finance services prevents them from participating in and benefitting from integrated irrigated agriculture development.

Improving the accessibility of SIP technologies can help to address some of the challenges these women face, especially those from the poorest and marginalized households.  Local governments  should be enabled to develop and implement small-scale renewable energy policies and programs. Engaging female lawmakers and policymakers in local, provincial, and federal government through facilitating their access to scientific information on the water, energy, food, and land nexus is critical.

For more information click here.

Type:News articles
Location: Nepal
Cluster:Water Productivity Tools and Analytics