inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Gender Mainstreaming in Water Reuse: Guidelines for planners, investors, project designers, and operators

Gender mainstreaming in the water reuse project cycle



Gender mainstreaming approaches can be integrated into water reuse project cycles so that equal opportunities can be offered to all members of society. Gender mainstreaming is a good start for interventions in the water reuse projects but the goal is a gender transformative approach. This approach aims at challenging and changing norms and values while reconfiguring power relationships thereby promoting equality between women and men.

Understanding the differences between and among women, men, girls, and boys in terms of ownership, distribution, and control over resources, opportunities, and power is essential for project designers and implementers. This policy brief developed by IWMI in collaboration with partners, offers guidance for governments and development and financing institutions in addressing gender differences. To read the brief, please click on the link below: Gender mainstreaming in water reuse

Theme:Arab Countries