inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

The Science for a Water-Secure World Initiative-A Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue and Conference on Science-based Policy and Action for 21st Century Water Security | IWMI/CGIAR



The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is promoting a year-long Science for a Water-Secure World (SWSW) initiative. The SWSW initiative will build partnerships among the policy, business, development, practitioner, and science communities, balancing voices from the Global South and Global North, in order to focus and strengthen the science base for action on water security. The initiative aims to ensure that political progress towards a more urgent and coherent agenda for water policies, investments, strategies, and accelerated action is better supported by scientific progress.

The centerpiece of the SWSW initiative will be a series of regional multi-stakeholder dialogues that culminate in a ‘Science for a Water-Secure World’ conference in early 2023. The aim is to ensure that water science better serves global ambition to accelerate progress on SDG 6 and build water security that will be robust in the face of deepening water risks this century.

For more information click here.

Type:Policy briefs
Theme:Information Note