inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Filtered by: climate-change-resilience2112a3c8-45cf-458d-9d17-c259c2f442da
Blog- Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation
by José Gesti, Senior Advisor on Climate Action at the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) - 14/12/2023

Recent IPCC reports confirm that climate change has altered freshwater ecosystems, causing diverse human system impacts. This blog explores new initiatives for bridging climate priorities, water-sanitation adaptation and mitigation priorities, and climate financing.

Blog- Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation
by Ingrid Timboe - 20/08/2023

The food and water sectors are inseparably linked, however, they are too often governed and managed independently, which can have catastrophic results when combined with increasing water variability due to climate change. On the Occasion of CoP28, this blog examines ways to elevate food and water to the very top of the climate agenda.

Blog-Irrigation Management
by Dr. Eng / Mohamed A. Shehata Wahba - 27/05/2023

This article offers valuable and useful practical alternatives to integrated water resource management - whether conventional or non-conventional- that should be considered in order to address the increasing pressure on water resources in many arid and semi-arid countries.

Blog-Sustainable Land & Water Management for Food & Agriculture.
by Tedeschi Anna- National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Research Division Portici (CNR-IBBR),Via Università 133, 80055 Portici, Italy - 24/04/2023

There is a growing interest in multipurpose crops that can provide improved biomass usability while also producing non-food oils, biomaterials, nutraceutical products, and other valuable bio-products that benefit society. This article discussed the added value of Industrial Hemp as a multipurpose crop that provides raw materials for various production chains in the food and non-food industries.