inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

FAO Honored with King Hassan II Great World Water Prize for Excellence in Water Management

FAO is leading the way in water resource conservation and sustainable development.

The FAO has been awarded King Hassan II Great World Water Prize



The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been awarded the esteemed King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, in recognition of its outstanding efforts in promoting sustainable water resource management. This highlights FAO's innovative approaches and significant contributions to addressing global water challenges, particularly in agriculture.

The King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, named after the late King of Morocco, honors individuals, organizations, and institutions that demonstrate excellence in water resource management. The prize is awarded every three years in conjunction with the World Water Forum, celebrating initiatives that promote sustainable development and contribute to achieving water security.

FAO's initiatives have focused on integrating sustainable water management practices into agricultural policies and practices, recognizing the crucial link between water and food security. Through projects aimed at improving irrigation efficiency, promoting climate-smart agriculture, and supporting smallholder farmers, FAO has played a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainable use of water resources globally.

Director-General of FAO, Dr. Qu Dongyu, expressed his gratitude for the award, emphasizing the organization's commitment to sustainable water management. "This recognition underscores the vital importance of water in achieving food security and sustainable agriculture. FAO remains dedicated to developing innovative solutions to manage water resources efficiently and equitably, especially in the face of climate change and growing global demand for food."

The award ceremony took place during the opening session of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. Attendees included global leaders, policymakers, and water experts who gathered to discuss strategies for addressing the world's most pressing water issues. The forum provided a platform for FAO to showcase its achievements and share insights on sustainable water management practices.

Morocco's Minister of Equipment and Water, Mr. Nizar Baraka, presented the award, commending FAO's dedication to sustainable development. "FAO's work exemplifies the spirit of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize. Their innovative approaches and tireless efforts have made a profound impact on water resource management globally, particularly in the agricultural sector."

FAO's receipt of the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize serves as a testament to its leadership and commitment to promoting sustainable water management. As water scarcity becomes an increasingly critical issue worldwide, FAO's efforts in integrating water management with agricultural development continue to be of paramount importance.

For more information on FAO's water management initiatives and the King Hassan II Great World Water Prize, please visit FAO's website and the World Water Forum's website.