inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

FAO Participates in GWP-Med Workshop on Digital Transformation for Advancing WEFE Nexus in the Mediterranean!

Acknowledging the interdependencies between resources and ensuring coordinated actions across sectors.


13/06/2024, Lisbon

FAO Water Scarcity Initiative Team recently participated in a pivotal technical workshop organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UFM), PRIMA, and GWP-Med. The workshop, titled "Digital Transformation for Advancing Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus in the Mediterranean Source to Sea Continuum," aimed to address water scarcity challenges through the integration of digital technologies within the WEFE Nexus framework.

During the workshop, FAO-RNE delivered a significant presentation and participated in panel discussions:

  1. Technical Presentation on Digital Technologies in WEFE Nexus: FAO-RNE highlighted pathways for leveraging digital technologies to enhance water and land management. The presentation emphasized the integration of data analytics, remote sensing, and decision support systems.
  2. Panel Discussion on SWOT Analysis: A comprehensive discussion of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) associated with digital transformation in the WEFE Nexus within the Mediterranean region. This analysis aimed to identify strategic areas for improvement and inform future actions.

The workshop underscored the crucial role of digital transformation in addressing water scarcity in the Mediterranean. It highlighted how digital tools and data-driven approaches could optimize the efficiency, sustainability, and resilience of integrated WEFE systems. The discussions stressed the need for comprehensive solutions, acknowledging the interdependencies between resources, and ensuring coordinated actions across sectors.

To transition from conceptualizing to implementing the WEFE Nexus approach, the workshop highlighted the need for innovative digital tools, tailored to regional contexts, to fill data gaps and facilitate informed decision-making. Emphasis was placed on developing business models, partnerships, and financial instruments to unlock investments, especially in conflict-prone regions like NENA. Additionally, capacity development programs were deemed essential to equip technical communities and decision-makers with the knowledge to effectively utilize digital technologies for strategic planning and overcoming institutional fragmentation.

FAO's participation in the GWP-Med and PRIMA workshop exemplifies its commitment to advancing the WEFE Nexus through digital transformation. By fostering collaboration and sharing expertise, FAO will continue to address water scarcity challenges and enhance sustainable development.