inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Towards a High-Level Dialogue on WASAG – Technical Preparatory Meeting

Took place on 29-30 April 2024.


The event took place on 29-30 April 2024 in Rome with approximately 600 onsite/online participants with 82 member nations represented.  

The event discussed priorities for WASAG for the period 2025-2031, reviewed the proposed new WASAG operating mechanisms especially establishing a Member-led Steering Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee, shared knowledge and experiences on addressing water scarcity in agriculture, and provided inputs to a draft Rome Declaration on Water Scarcity in Agriculture for further consultation with Members.  

Building on the outcomes of this WASAG preparatory meeting, the upcoming event ‘High-Level Rome Water Dialogue on WASAG’ will take place during the World Food Forum (WFF) on 17 October 2024, which will consolidate and scale-up the WASAG partnership onto greater level of visibility, commitment and impact.