inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Water Pavilion at COP27-Thematic Day 7:- Water for Biodiversity and Nature Based Solutions


Today (November 15th, 2022), WWF, IUCN, and TNC are hosting the Thematic Day 7 (TD7) at the COP27 Water Pavilion on “Water for Biodiversity and Nature Based Solutions”. TD7 Programme will include the following Sessions:

  • Nature Based Solutions for Protection of River Deltas from Sea Level Rise
  • Welcome to Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solutions Day
  • From the Local Watershed to the Global Agenda: NBS for Healthy Freshwater Systems at Multiple Scales
  • Nature-based Solutions for climate-resilient Agrifood systems
  • From Source to Sea: A High-Level Water and Climate Session
  • Nature-based solutions for Freshwater ecosystem restoration and climate resilience
  • Accelerating NBS for adaptation: Engaging stakeholders and securing finance to build resilience

Agriculture accounts for 70 percent of fresh water withdrawals. With only 2.5 percent of the world’s water being fresh water, we need to find a way to use this precious resource efficiently and sustainably so we can continue to feed the ever-growing world population. 

Mrs. Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will be chairing today the session on “Nature-based Solutions for climate-resilient Agrifood systems”, (12:30-1:30 pm).

Check these three FAO examples of how NBS are already being used in agriculture around the world: Micro-watersheds in El Salvador, Qanat Irrigated Agricultural Heritage Systems in Iran, Horticulture production in watershed communities in Burundi

Left: FAO’s project in El Salvador taught students from Farmer Field Schools about sustainable soil management. ©FAO/Raúl Cárcamo .
Right: A Qanat, or underground water channel, in Shafiabad village. ©Pe3k/
More on this topic
  • View the Water Pavilion Programme here.
  • View TD7’s Programme here.
  • All sessions can be watched online.