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FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme - In brief

The FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme leverages cost-effective, adaptable, and scalable solutions and technologies to address pressing challenges in agriculture and food security in developing countries. This initiative draws upon China’s extensive experience in the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems. The Programme was initiated as a result of a strategic engagement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the government of the People’s Republic of China, leading to the establishment of a trust fund for South-South cooperation in 2009. To date, the government of China has contributed a total of USD 130 million to support [...]



Price elasticities of major food categories to inform fiscal reform in Costa Rica. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief 65

In the context of fiscal reform in Costa Rica (value added tax revision), the definition of a new basic tax basket – canasta básica tributaria (CBT), incorporating nutritional criteria – is underway in the country. Measuring price elasticities is essential because it allows: knowing the extent to which food demand reacts to price changes, anticipating changes in the quantities demanded as a result of fiscal policy changes, measuring potential substitution and complementary effects between food groups, and potential nutritional effects of fiscal policies. As a result, it helps to provide recommendations on the content of a CBT with nutritional criteria. The [...]

Case study


Fiscal reform in Costa Rica. Price elasticities of major food categories to inform decision-making. FAO agricultural development economics working paper 23–04

In the context of fiscal reform in Costa Rica (value added tax revision), the definition of a new basic tax basket – canasta básica tributaria (CBT), incorporating nutritional criteria is underway in the country. In this study, price elasticities of major food categories were analysed using a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model and data from the 2018 National Survey of Household Income and Expenditures – Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH). Measuring price elasticities is essential because it allows: knowing the extent to which food demand reacts to price changes, anticipating changes in the [...]



Developing sustainable and resilient agrifood value chains in conflict-prone and conflict-affected contexts. Practitioner guidelines for selection, analysis and design

Agrifood systems in the Near East and North Africa are characterized by increasingly degraded natural resources and vulnerability to climate change, rapid population growth and protracted crises. In addition, the region has been affected by conflict that has further exposed the fragilities and worsened the challenges already faced by communities.   Conflict negatively affects the poverty rate, the economic capacity and functioning of agrifood value chains and people’s ability to produce, distribute and access food. In volatile operating environments, resources, government spending and private investment are frequently diverted or reduced, with lasting impact on agri-food value chains and consequently nutrition and food [...]



In Brief to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023. Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation and healthy diets across the rural–urban continuum

This report provides an update on global progress towards the targets of ending hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2) and estimates on the number of people who are unable to afford a healthy diet. Since its 2017 edition, this report has repeatedly highlighted that the intensification and interaction of conflict, climate extremes and economic slowdowns and downturns, combined with highly unaffordable nutritious foods and growing inequality, are pushing us off track to meet the SDG 2 targets. However, other important megatrends must also be factored into the analysis to fully understand the challenges and [...]



The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 (SOFI). Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation and healthy diets across the rural–urban continuum

This report provides an update on global progress towards the targets of ending hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2) and estimates on the number of people who are unable to afford a healthy diet. Since its 2017 edition, this report has repeatedly highlighted that the intensification and interaction of conflict, climate extremes and economic slowdowns and downturns, combined with highly unaffordable nutritious foods and growing inequality, are pushing us off track to meet the SDG 2 targets. However, other important megatrends must also be factored into the analysis to fully understand the challenges and [...]



OECD-FAO business handbook on deforestation and due diligence in agricultural supply chains

This handbook was developed by OECD and FAO to help companies embed considerations on deforestation and forest degradation into their corporate due diligence procedures. It is informed by FAO’s extensive work and experience on halting deforestation and forest degradation and promoting responsible governance of tenure. The handbook builds on the leading international, government-backed standards on supply chain due diligence and responsible business conduct: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the associated due diligence framework set out in the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. This handbook demonstrates how [...]

Issue paper


Food systems profile – Kenya. Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems

Food systems are intimately linked to our lives – through the food we eat, our nutrition and health, our livelihoods, jobs, and the environment and natural resources of the planet. The main challenge for food systems is to produce nutritious food for all while preserving our biodiversity and environment and ensuring equitable distribution of wealth. This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Kenya and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and inclusive transformation. It is the result of a systemic analysis and stakeholders' consultation that was part of a global assessment of food [...]



Proceedings of the FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production. 2–4 November 2022

FAO organized its first ever Global Conference on Sustainable Plant Production (GPC) (Rome, 2 to 4 November 2022), with a focus on Innovation, Efficiency and Resilience. Its main objective was to provide a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, scientists, development agencies, policy makers, extensionists, civil society, opinion leaders and the private sector to engage in dialogues around sustainable plant production. To achieve impact towards implementing the 2030 Agenda, the GPC developed 20 actionable recommendations. The recommendations encompass all the thematic areas highlighted in the GPC, with a focus on adaptation to local contexts, needs of small-scale farmers, and include [...]

Issue paper


Le système agricole et agroalimentaire tunisien face aux crises: focus sur la chaîne de valeur céréalière. Constats et réflexions pour la proposition d'un plan de relance à court et à moyen termes

Ce rapport met en évidence l'impact économique, financier et social de la crise de covid-19 sur le secteur agricole et agroalimentaire en Tunisie. En addition de ces impacts globaux, le rapport s'intéresse à l'expérience de certains pays d'Amérique latine où la sécurité alimentaire est une question clé dans la conduite des politiques publiques. Le rapport s'intéresse également à l'impact de la covid-19 sur la performance des chaînes de valeur agricoles et agroalimentaires en termes de commerce extérieur et présente les principaux facteurs de vulnérabilité et de contraintes de cette chaîne de valeur centrale dans la conduite des politiques publiques de [...]
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