Global Action on Pollination Services for Sustainable Agriculture


In the tapestry of our ecosystem, pollinators play a critical role in sustaining agricultural productivity and enhancing human health. Recognizing the importance of pollinators, FAO just launched its newly redesigned platform dedicated to the Global Action on Pollination Services for Sustainable Agriculture. 

The theme of the sixth edition of World Bee Day was “Bee engaged with youth” and so the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, together with colleagues from the European Commission’s DG ENV, organized a special event at the British School of Brussels for the 50 children of the BeesEco Club.  


Pollination is a fundamental process that is necessary for the survival of our ecosystems. It plays a crucial role in food security and agrobiodiversity. Pollinators support vital ecosystem functions for nature, agriculture and human well-being, acting as the invisible cornerstone of functioni...


During a handover event in Tanzania, from the Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries - Phase III (ACP MEAs 3) programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered modern equipment to 300 small-scale beekeepers across six districts. 


Almonds, apples, coffee, or strawberries are all foods that we can enjoy thanks to the meticulous pollination activities of bees and other pollinating insects. In addition to food, these insects indirectly contribute to the provision of medicines and the production of fiber, biofuels, and othe...