توفير الأغذية: المبادرة العالمية بشأن الحد من الفاقد والمهدر من الأغذية


6 Jun 2016
From FLW Protocol  The Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Stan­dard (or FLW Standard) is a global standard that provides requirements and guidance for quantifying and ...
26 May 2016
The aim of the 3GF Summit is to provide a forum to accompany and accelerate delivery of a sub-set of SDGs through transformational public-private partnerships. The ...
28 Oct 2015
The 3GF 2015-16 Pre-meeting took place in Copenhagen, 20-21 October and convened representatives from 3GF’s partner countries, private companies, private and institutional investors, international organizations, think tanks ...
1 Jul 2015
The 3GF-LAC Regional conference convened more than 180 leaders and decision-makers from businesses, finance, governments, cities, international organisations and civil society engaged in discussions on how ...
1 Jun 2015
The Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction was showcased at the first African Regional Green Growth Forum to discuss how Public Private Partnerships can facilitate ...
5 May 2015
The Global Green Growth Forum (3GF), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Government of Kenya will co-host an African Regional 3GF Conference in Nairobi on ...
21 Oct 2013
COPENHAGEN//WASHINGTON — The World Resources Institute (WRI) today announced the first step in designing a global standard for measuring food loss and waste. The forthcoming guidance, ...