Virtual Event
High Level Launch of the SOLAW 2021 Main Report at UNCCD COP15
11 May 2022, 18:00 - 20:00 GMT (20:00-22:00 CEST). "The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture:...
Virtual Event
STI Forum - Digitalization to Achieve the SDGs: Promoting effective and coherent UN support through mapping and country level initiatives
May 2022| 7:30 AM - 9:45 AM (EDT).
Virtual Event
STI Forum - Special Event 3: Supporting national capacities and the Partnership in Action for STI4SDG roadmaps
Friday, 6 May | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM (EDT).
This special event will discuss the path forward for the Partnership in Action, following...
Hybrid Event
Vision for the future: transition to digital agriculture
6 May 2022. Digital technologies impact the entire food system, everyone involved, and bring significant benefits to agriculture....
Virtual Event
STI Forum - Pre-event 2: UN system work on STI for the SDGs, including outcomes of regional STI Forums and global thematic conferences
Thursday, 5 May | 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM (EDT).
The FAO Chief Scientist, Ismahane Elouafi, will participate as a panelist....
Virtual Event
WFF side event at the STI forum: Youth-led solutions for a better food future
4 May 2022| 9:00-10:15 (EDT).
The FAO Chief Scientist, Ismahane Elouafi, will deliver...
Virtual Event
Virtual Event
World Food Forum – Transformative Research Challenge Young Scientific Roundtable
27 Apr 2022, 16:00 17:00 (CEST). Join the roundtable organized by the World Food Forum’s (WFF) Transformative Research...
Virtual Event
High-level event: Launching of the Memorandum of Understanding between FAO and Wageningen University & Research
The high-level event will celebrate the longstanding partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Wageningen...