Наука, технологии и инновации


Science and Innovation Forum event focuses on how to pave the way for investment and innovation in developing countries amid worsening impacts of climate crisis
Innovations to re-carbonize soils, improve soil health and enhance water use efficiency take centre stage at the Science and Innovation Forum
FAO and University of Naples Federico II to share innovation and technology expertise for the development of resilient agrifood systems

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the University of Naples Federico II will collaborate to enhance resilient agrifood systems through the exchange of innovation and technology expertise, according to a Letter of Intent signed today at the Organization’s head...

Second edition of Science and Innovation Forum opens at FAO's headquarters in Rome
Leveraging the power of youth, investment and innovation, the week-long event aims to forge new paths towards a more sustainable, resilient, inclusive and hunger-free future
Проводимая впервые в истории Продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организацией Объединенных Наций (ФАО) Неделя науки и инноваций для Европы и Центральной Азии способствовала активному обсуждению и обмену знаниями по вопросам интеграционных взаимодействий между наукой, научными исследованиями и инновациями и процессом формирования политики в целях активизации преобразования агропродовольственных систем в странах Европы и Центральной Азии наряду с повышением их устойчивости, инклюзивности и невосприимчивости к внешним воздействиям.
On September 7-8, 2023 the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan - with the technical support of FAO - will host the International Conference on Food Security as a global multilateral platform to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the field of food security.
31/08/2023 Incheon city - The Asia-Pacific Regional Science and Innovation Forum held today highlighted the need for investments and the active involvement of young people, women and indigenous communities in building climate-resilient agrifood systems in the region. It spotlighted climate-actions driven by young people and local communities in Asia-Pacific with a focus on climate-smart agriculture, sustainable food production and processing, digital solutions, data-driven decision-making, and community mobilization.
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The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has announced the creation of a new Scientific Advisory Board to advise UN leaders on breakthroughs in science and technology and how to harness the benefits of these advances and mitigate potential risks.
FAO Director-General addresses the opening ceremony along with UN Secretary-General and Italian Prime Minister
SIF 2023 Regional event  - FAO and ITU hold Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum 2023

QU Dongyu addresses meetings in Hyderabad on topics including food security and biodiversity

Weather reversal pattern points to higher drought risks in southern Africa and Central America and Far East Asia

FAO’s Strategy on Climate Change 2022-31 supports countries to make agrifood systems more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable

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Представительницы коренных народов играют ведущую роль в сельскохозяйственных и агролесоводческих системах
FAO Director-General addresses Food Systems National Conveners in targeting follow-up actions to the UN Food Systems Summit
Под руководством Генерального директора Цюй Дунъюя ФАО перешла на обновленную бизнес-модель, основанную на инновационных методах работы, позволившую ей обеспечивать соответствие своей деятельности поставленным задачам в контексте новых реалий.
A unique e-commerce platform recognized for innovative solutions to connect smallholder farmers with the market
FAO’s The Future of Food and Agriculture focuses on the actions needed to transform agrifood systems