Social Protection

Unpacking the SSF Guidelines: Investing in social protection for securing blue justice for small-scale fisheries


June 7th, 2021| 16.00 -17.30 UTC | 18.00 – 19.30 CEST

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In 2014, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) endorsed the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) and outlined a series of core objectives to protect and enhance the impact of small-scale fisheries around the world. The SSF Guidelines call for social development, employment and decent work of small-scale fishing communities so they can enjoy their human rights, including the right to adequate access to social protection. The webinar will provide a platform to discuss and share how social protection systems that are shock-responsive and that adequately cover fishers, fish-workers and fish-farmers represent an important pillar for achieving blue justice, sustainable fisheries and social-economic development.Experts will provide compelling arguments on how greater coherence between social protection and fisheries policies can support pairing social development with equitable sustainable fisheries management. Experts will also discuss how social protection can be best leveraged as a tool to mitigate the impacts of shocks (e.g. COVID-19) in small-scale fisheries, as well as the challenges and opportunities for building back better.


Organizers: Daniela Kalikoski and Greta Campora, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (FAO)

Moderator: Daniela Kalikoski, (FAO)


  • Sebastian Mathew, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), India
  • Mauricio Mireles, Policy Officer for Indigenous Peoples and Social Inclusion, FAO RLC (Latin America and the Caribbean)
  • Fabio Veras, Senior Research Coordinator, International Policy Center for Policy Growth, (IPC IG), Brazil
  • Kosal Mam, Fisheries Specialist at World Fish, Cambodia
  • Yuko Okamura, Senior Economist, World Bank, Washington
  • Bosse Dörte, European Commission, Bruxelles

Format: Webinar

Language: English

Duration: 90 minutes