Social Protection

Latin America and the Caribbean


Inequalities in the region significantly impact the food security of rural populations, such as family farmers, women, Indigenous Peoples, and Afro-descendent communities.

FAO works to improve social protection systems. This involves supporting the expansion of adequate coverage of social assistance and social insurance, and strengthening integrated policy approaches to agricultural development, food security and nutrition, and poverty reduction in rural areas. FAO also assists governments in adopting a humanitarian-development approach, integrating inclusive and sustainable development principles into emergency response strategies while enhancing coherence with climate change adaptation programs.

FAO launches new project to strengthen the resilience of Indigenous Peoples through social protection

The project involves consultations with Indigenous and tribal Peoples to assess their food and knowledge systems, as well as their access to opportunities,...

In the Caribbean, FAO advocates for stronger political commitment on social protection for climate change

At a high-level event convened/hosted by FAO and UNICEF, experts call for social protection to be positioned high on the climate agenda

Central America advances in addressing social protection for climate action and food security and nutrition

FAO continues to support the Central American Integration System (SICA) in its efforts to end hunger, poverty and promote economic inclusion in the...

Combining safety nets and fishing nets for Colombian fish workers

In this heartwarming tale, meet Sandra Gómez Montaño, a dedicated 55-year-old fish processor, and the inspiring Platoneras, Afro-Colombian women vendors,...

Leveraging social protection and economic inclusion interventions for agrifood system transformation - A case study of Peru

Sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food systems are critical to achieving food security and nutrition, promoting adequate livelihoods for farmers,...

Evaluation of the impact of unemployment insurance on the socioeconomic conditions of small-scale fishers

Seguro Desemplego do Pescador Artesanal, or insurance-defeso, is a program related to one of the management measures for fishing in Brazil, the Defeso,...