Social Protection

Asia and the Pacific

Fish India

The Asia-Pacific region is making significant strides in advancing social protection systems, despite being highly vulnerable to climate change and below average spendings on social protection programs.

FAO focuses on climate-smart social protection for farmers, fishers, and foresters, by providing social assistance before and during environmental shocks, and integrating farmer registries with social registries. To accelerate these outcomes, FAO conducts livelihoods and resilience analyses, strengthens social protection policies to ensure adequate coverage and financing, and enhances interoperability between administrative systems. By engaging with ASEAN and supporting national initiatives in the Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Laos, FAO promotes resilience and effective support systems for vulnerable rural populations.


The project involves consultations with Indigenous Peoples to assess their food and knowledge systems, as well as their access to opportunities, services and markets.

Participants explored the integration of anticipatory action within social protection frameworks, and identified pathways for strengthening partnership and scaling up action.
Myanmar: Improving food security and nutrition with cash assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic

The fourth issue of the social protection and resilience factsheets recounts the cash+ intervention implemented in Rakhine State, Myanmar, at the height...

Enhancing resilience and restoring agricultural productive capacity and food security through social protection in Indonesia

This fact sheet recalls the design and implementation of an emergency intervention in response to the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia....

Investment case for Anticipatory Action through adaptive and shock responsive social protection in the Philippines

This investment case study shows that the government has various effective and financially viable Anticipatory Action programming options at its disposal...

Viet Nam: Addressing negative socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic through social protection

This fact sheet documents the intervention which aimed to help households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions to cover their...

Homegrown school feeding: increased market access for smallholders through social protection

In Timor-Leste, FAO promoted awareness raising and economic inclusion of farmers by linking them to a stable local market through locally produced food...