Technical Cooperation Programme

About 700 to 800 TCP projects are approved every biennium and more than 1 000 TCPs can be operational at the same time. The challenge to systematically monitor and document how the TCP delivers for Member Countries has been taken up since 2018.  Results and Indicators are primarily derived from published Terminal Reports, but also from Country Annual Reports, the 2020 TCP Evaluation and from information provided by TCP Programme Officers and Lead Technical Officers.

Resources mobilized
Financial resources mobilized through various types of support provided by TCPs that attracted further investment by national governments, or funding from donors and multilateral agencies such as GEF/GCF, or that led to loans from regional/international development banks and funds. Whenever a part or the totality of mobilized resources are implemented through FAO, such amount will be recorded as “implemented through FAO”


Technical facilities upgraded
Refers to material support in various forms provided to enhance capacities, resilience and preparedness of counterparts and communities (examples range from the establishment of micro-irrigation systems, data processing equipment, greenhouses, tree nurseries, upgrading of laboratories or communal food processing facilities).

Results and Figures New Site Fig 1 (6)

Number of outreach products produced
Accounts for the different types of training material produced (manuals, posters, videos, brochures, TV/radio programmes).

Number of technical documents produced
Refers to the number of technical reports, assessments, surveys and technical guidelines delivered as project outputs. Back-to-office reports, and meeting, workshop and training reports are not counted.

Number of households that received inputs
Indicates the number of households that received assistance through the provision of various types of inputs like seeds, tools, poultry, vaccines and/or fodder for livestock, equipment, etc.

Number of policies, programmes, strategies, action plans, and pieces of legislation prepared
Accounts for outputs that are typically used by counterparts in follow-up to TCP assistance and are relevant to achieve higher-level outcomes and impacts.

Number of technical government staff trained
Accounts for the number of staff from government institutions/ministries that received training improving their capacities and awareness. When not specified in the terminal report, an average of 10 staff are counted per workshop/event. Inception and other planning workshops are not counted.

Number of non-government staff trained
Accounts for the number of people that received training that enhanced awareness, knowledge and skills (farmers, private sector actors, community leaders, or staff of civil society organization). When not specified in terminal reports, an average of 20 people are counted per workshop/event.