Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

16 October 2024

World Food Day

Food Heroes archive



Honeys are as diverse as the flowers that lend their pollen to the bees that visit. And if anybody can tell a story about this delicious collaboration between flora and fauna, it’s Gloria Montenegro. A biologist by training, she has devoted her career to the study of botany and t...



Marula has long been a staple in Namibian homes, where both the nut and the fruit have a reputation for being healthy and the nut oil is popular for skin care and cooking. In recent years, international companies, too, have caught on to the oil – and with demand booming, there ...



Rebecca Clopath is a well-known Swiss chef renowned for her nature-focused approach to preparing food. Despite her impressive formation as a chef, Rebecca’s focus has never been to chase culinary fame and accolades, but rather to work with nature to produce fresh, sea...



Zeinabou Mint Smail comes from the traditionally pastoral region of Assaba in Mauritania. Her family members were herders, but years of great drought chased them off the land and towards Nouakchott, the capital, like many others.   

It was only af...



When Karina and Francisco Merlo decided to bet to dairy farming seven years ago, they thought it would be a reprieve from the challenges of growing crops that was the family’s mainstay back then....



When Edy Prasetyo began farming catfish in 2001, he couldn’t have imagined how popular it would become for Indonesian street food culture. Today, grilled-catfish vendors line the streets of Jakarta and other urban centres on the archipelago, catering to city ...



For most people, the word ‘engineer’ doesn’t immediately bring up images of food, and even fewer will think of seaweed. And yet, that’s exactly the niche...



Ever since she was a child growing up in the district of Pucara, in the Junín region of central Peru, Ninfa Medina wanted to have a vegetable garden like her grandmother’s. To Ninfa, her abuela was patient and wise, and Ninfa loved that she talked with her plants. Her pa...



When COVID-19 first hit Mazeda Begum’s informal settlement in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s sprawling capital, she and her husband had been making ends meet with a small tea stall and a mix of informal trades. Although starting the tea stand had improved their living conditions,...