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Codex Trust Fund project training under way in Nigeria


Members of the National Codex Committee (NCC) of Nigeria are undergoing capacity development training on the scientific basis of Codex and food safety risk analysis.

The training programme, which is funded by the Codex Trust Fund, will improve the technical capacities of NCC members and their knowledge on food safety risk assessment, the risk management framework, risk management activities and risk communication. The training will also improve Nigeria’s capacities to participate effectively in Codex and implement the revised NCC procedural manual.

At the end of the programme, it is expected that a comprehensive common list of Food and Hazard Combinations (FHCs) will have been developed and shared with relevant competent authorities in Nigeria.

Participants are also expected to learn the roles and responsibilities of competent authorities involved in the national food control system and to gain a detailed understanding of Codex, its activities and its importance for Nigerians both in terms of the protection of consumer health and of the facilitation of trade.