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Recommendations and Suggestions on Points Affecting the program of Work within the Approved
Budget for the Biennium 1966-67

217. The Conference recommended that adequate emphasis should be given by Governments to the formation of nutrition councils and to the integration of nutritional programs in the planning of agricultural development, particularly in the Indicative World Plan. In this connection it was recognized that studies in the developing regions on food consumption, requirements for calories and nutrients, and the composition of foods and their nutritive values needed to be extended and improved in order to provide a better basis for such planning.

218. The Conference:

  • (a) Considered the important contribution which preserved and processed foods could make in providing a varied diet, and the role of industrial and home preservation and processing, and recommended an intensification of the Nutrition Division's work for the prevention of food wastage in order to Increase the food available for human consumption,

    (b) Recognized the important role of United Nations Special Fund -supported food technology institutes development of the food processing industries, but also the need for sm.-III and medium-sized plants during the initial phases of industrial development. Incentives should be given by Member Governments for the establishment of food industries to make better use of food products. The Conference also noted that co-operatives could play an important role in the initiation of such undertakings.

    (c) Agreed that training at all levels of skills was an essential phase of food industries development and recommended that such training be done on a regional or subregional. basis, wherever possible. It was noted that the United Nations Special Fund-supported food technology institutes might usefully serve as bases for such training centers.

    (d) Suggested that care should be exercised in the preparation and use of foods preserved by irradiation. This process should be used only after Its safety was clearly established and where it provided advantages over foods preserved by more conventional means.

    (e) Recommended that continued stress should be placed in the Nutrition Division's work on research and development, preparation and promotion of protein-rich foods within the economic means of needy population sectors. It noted with approval the increasing joint efforts of the Division with the World Food Program for the large-scale production of such foods for infants and young children.

  • 219. In the field of applied nutrition, the Conference recommended that:

  • (a) Governments should make applied nutrition programs an integral part of their development plans

    (b) Objectives should be defined with greater precision, taking Into account actual needs; and programs should be framed in harmony with the priorities laid down by the Governments of Member Nations. Continued attention should be given to the practical activities carried out through applied nutrition programs, and their planning within the framework of social and economic development

    (c) The joint approach already embarked upon by international agencies for improving the planning of applied nutrition programs and their systematic evaluation should be continued and further strengthened.

    (d) Importance should be placed both on the socioanthropological aspects of food and nutrition, and on the economic factors, all essential elements in planning applied nutrition programs, and more emphasis should be given to the teaching of food economics in the training of professional workers in nutrition and related fields.

    (e) The importance of nutrition education as a major component of applied nutrition programs should be emphasized.

    (f) Nutrition teaching should be included in the training of school teachers and other professional educators.

  • 220. The Importance of studying the food and nutrition problems resulting from rapid urbanization in developing countries should be given urgent consideration, and the work which was planned in this field, as well as in the closely associated field of industrial feeding (group feeding, canteen management and catering) should be further developed.

    221. In the field of home economics in the developing and other regions, the Conference recommended that:

  • (a) The activities currently geared to the establishment of permanent centers of education and training at regional and subregional levels should be emphasized;

    (b) In view of the special need for home economics education and training in African countries, activities should be directed especially toward those where the need was most urgent-.

    (c) Preparation of teaching materials, including audiovisual aids, in all aspects of home economics for the purpose of disseminating information to all social groups and especially in rural areas should be continued.

    (d) Because of the importance of applying research findings to action programs, the need for joint development and co-ordination of home economics research, surveys, services and training programs should be given particular attention.

    (e) The importance of women in the production, preservation and storage of foods in developing countries, and the role of home economists in applied nutrition and other education programs should be recognized, and the Nutrition Division should give increased attention to those questions in training and extension programs for women. (See also para. 44.)

  • 222. The Conference reaffirmed:

  • (a) That the implementation of programs in the areas of child care and education at family level was clearly within the competence of home economists.

    (b) Its support for the long term program for home economics in Europe and other regions, established by the Nutrition Division.

  • 223. The Conference stressed the need for training at all levels (elementary, intermediate and professional) for personnel working in the fields of nutrition, food science and technology and home economics as the case may be.

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Future Trends beyond the Biennium 1966-67

    224. The Conference noted and endorsed the Director-General's proposal that future work would continue along previous lines, and recommended that particular attention be given to:

  • (a) Increased participation in the Indicative World Plan.

    (b) Reinforcement of regional and national structures for nutrition, food technology and home economics,

    (c) The dissemination of information through increasing the numbers of technical papers and handbooks to be published.

    (d) Such Important subjects as food processing, preservation and storage, the development of food Industries, and co-operation with private Industry.

    (e) FAO/WHO Food Standards Program (Codex Alimentarius)

    (f) Strengthening home economics training and extension activities.

  • 225. In view of the need in developing countries for training and research in nutrition, food science and technology and home economics, the Conference recommended that FAO review with Governments, on a regional or subregional basis, the needs for and means whereby, training and research institutes could be established.

    226. The Conference, recognizing the importance of improving and extending food consumption data, especially in developing countries, hoped that funds would be available, from EPTA or other sources, to organize training centers for food consumption survey personnel, regional seminars on the use of survey data in development planning, and recommended the appointment of regional advisers in food consumption and planning. (See also para. 306.)

    227. The Conference suggested that in future food composition tables should be prepared on a regional and subregional basis, and should include data for both raw and processed foods, and that these be used in revising the present International tables.

    FAO/WHO Food Standards Program

    228. The Conference was informed of the substantial progress made by the subsidiary bodies of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in the elaboration of international food standards. This progress was placing an Increasing workload not only upon the Joint Office of the FAO/WHO Food Standards Program, but also on the Nutrition Division. The Conference therefore questioned whether the present staffing of the Joint Office and of the Nutrition Division would be sufficient in the coming years. It was advised that during the next biennium an appraisal would be made of the workload, staffing and financial implications, and that appropriate action would be taken. (See also paras. 314, 341 to 343 and 455 to 457.)

    Plant production and protection

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Points Affecting the program of Work within the Approved Budget for the Biennium 1966-67

    229. The Conference recommended that:

  • (a) Work on agro-ecology, which provides information essential for the most effective use of environmental resources in agriculture, should be expanded, in this connection, the need for utilizing information available in Member Countries was emphasized.

    (b) Plant exploration and introduction, and the conservation of germ plasm should receive high priority on a continuing basis.

    (c) The Director-General should consider the possibility of arranging under EPTA for the establishment of a post for a regional olive expert to assist the Mediterranean and Near East countries in the Improvement of olive production,

    (d) To accelerate needed work on pesticides, on tolerances-and on resistance of pests to pesticides, high priority should be given within the level of the budget to the establishment of an additional post at Headquarters for a pesticides officer and facilities for his work, and to annual sessions of the Committee on Pesticides in Agriculture and Us three Working Parties.

  • 230. The Conference recognized that the Organization should play a leading role in the development of Integrated pest control programs, and recommended that a panel of experts should be established on the recommendations of the FAO Symposium on Integrated Pest Control held in 1965. It was noted that the work of the panel would be largely conducted through correspondence.

    231. The Conference noted a proposal for the establishment of a Caribbean Plant Protection Commission, but considered that further preparatory work was necessary before formal action could be taken. It was therefore recommended that the Director-General should take steps, in consultation with the Interested Member Countries, to determine how a commission might be beat established to perform the functions specified in the report of the First Caribbean Plant Protection Conference held in 1965.

    232. The Conference requested that:

  • (a) Continuing emphasis should be placed on long-term training programs at all levels and in all aspects of plant production and protection, particularly with regard to the training of plant breeders, seed propagation technicians and irrigation agronomists, including refresher courses as appropriate; the possibility of establishing permanent training centers in Africa should also be considered

    (b) Special consideration should be given in plant breeding programs to improvement in quality, pest and disease resistance, drought resistance, response to fertilizers and soils conditioners, and requirements for other environmental factors.

    (c) Collaboration with the International Biological Program should be strengthened, where appropriate, as well as with bilateral and with other multilateral programs.
    (d) Economic features, marketing and processing aspects should be taken into full consideration, in consultation with other Divisions.

    (e) The seed exchange program should be further expanded and co-ordinated closely with similar services in Member Countries.

    (f) Attention should continue to be given to the danger of disseminating pests and diseases in plant introduction and seed exchange activities. (See also para. 192.)

    (g) Assistance to research programs on problems of crop production and protection in tropical and subtropical areas should be strengthened.

    (h) Everything possible should be done by Member Countries and FAO to strengthen quarantine regulations and facilities, including the provision of training in this matter.

    (i) Attention should be given to the need for additional assistance on problems of storage of food grains and tuber crops, particularly in tropical areas. It was also suggested that studies be encouraged for the assessment and elimination of mycotoxin in stored products.

  • 233. The Conference considered that in regard to field food crops:

  • (a) FAO should encourage national initiatives aimed at the development of seed Industries, including the establishment of efficient schemes for the distribution of seed. to farmers. Close collaboration with other International bodies in this field should be maintained.

    (b) With regard to plant Introduction programs, due consideration should be given to the adaptability of new crops and varieties to local ecological conditions and to existing dietary habits and customs.

    (c) The possibility of establishing an international millet commission should be explored.

    (d) Programs similar to that in the Near East far wheat and barley Improvement, should be considered for maize and sorghum.

    (e) Grain legume crops should receive increased attention because of their Importance as food, feed and green manure.

    (f) Within the framework of a necessary increase in rice production, particular attention should be given to the Improvement of upland rice production in tropical Africa.

  • 234. The Conference felt that in regard to fruit and vegetable crops:

  • (a) Increased fruit and vegetable production should be encouraged particularly in Africa, the Far and Near East, and Latin America; however, intensive production of these crops should only be encouraged after due consideration of technical and economic factors.

    (b) Mare attention should be given by FAO to hydroponic and other soilless vegetable production techniques, taking full account of their economic feasibility.

    (c) Production of flowers, spices and out-of -season vegetables should receive Increased attention.

    (d) Work should be conducted in collaboration with other Divisions on the mechanization of olive harvesting (see para. 208),

    (e) FAO should assist Member Countries in finding means for the establishment of a vegetable improvement and seed production center in West Africa, possibly with the support of the United Nations Special Fund.

    (f) Attention should be given to the improvement of tropical and subtropical fruits such as avocado, mango, bananas, citrus, dates and others.

    (g) International symposia on fruit and vegetable production should receive Increased attention under EPTA.

    (h) School and community gardens should continue to receive support.

  • 235. The Conference felt that in regard to industrial crops:

  • (a) In view of the declining prices of many cash crops, increased attention should be given to agricultural diversification programs.

    (b) Exploration and introduction of wild types of cocoa and other cash crops should be expanded, and assistance in the exchange of existing planting and breeding material of cultivars should be Increased, taking Into consideration similar activities at the national level.

    (c) The genetic improvement of coconuts, the establishment of an International pollen bank, and work on coconut diseases of unknown etiology should receive continuing attention

    (d) Additional crops of economic importance, such as oil seed crops (including castor beans) and sugar beets in arid and semiarid areas under irrigated and nonirrigated conditions should be given increased attention, particularly with regard to the development of high yielding varieties suitable for mechanical harvesting.

    (e) A regional seminar on rubber plantation management should be considered.

    (f) The economic aspects of cash crops should be borne in mind, and the approach to technical problems should be carried out in close co-operation with the Divisions of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

  • 236. The Conference felt that with regard to pasture and fodder crops:

  • (a) Joint FAO/WHO/Unesco agroclimatological projects should be expanded within the availability of funds.

    (b) FAO should collect Information on forage adaptation and feeding value of tropical forages, and encourage research institutions to accelerate work on these subjects.

    (c) Research in the tropics and subtropics should be encouraged, especially on fodder conservation, irrigation during the dry season, bush control, use and influence of fire, stocking rate and pasture production.

    (d) Training, including extension, should be initiated as soon as possible on pasture range management and fodder crops in Africa, the Far East and the Near East.

  • 237. With regard to crop protection, the Conference, while recognizing that the desert locust was at present in recession, felt that complacency was not justified. It therefore emphasized the need for continuing work in reconnaissance and control at both national and regional levels.

    238. The Conference, having reviewed the proposal submitted by the Director-General for the establishment of an Emergency Fund for the Control of Plant Pests and Diseases, agreed in principle to the need for such a Fund, possibly to be financed within the Regular Program or the Working Capital Fund. The Conference felt, however, that further study was required on Its financial, operational, technical and administrative aspects, and therefore suggested that this matter be considered in consultation with experts as appropriate, and resubmitted to a future session of the Council at an appropriate time for further consideration.

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Future Trends beyond the Biennium 1966-67

    239. The Conference recommended that the Director General should consider:

  • (a) The possibility of arranging under EPTA for the establishment of a post for a regional seed specialist in the Near East, to assist governments in the development or improvement of their national seed industries.

    (b) Giving priority to the addition of a vegetable improvement specialist to the Headquarters staff.

    (c) Establishing an advisory group as proposed by the ninth International Grassland Congress, to promote activities and co-operation on tropical pasture research and development

    (d) Strengthening as soon as possible the crop protection activities at Headquarters and in the regions through the provision of additional staff. In this connection, the provision of a nematologist as had been recommended by earlier Conferences should be given high priority; if possible the Director-General should consider implementing this recommendation in the 1966-67 biennium.

    (e) The possibility of arranging for the establishment of an additional post for a pasture and fodder crops specialist in the Near Eastregion.

  • 240. The Conference requested that:

  • (a) Increased technical assistance on olive production, similar to that sought by Mediterranean and Near East countries, be explored for Latin America.

    (b) The Director-General should consider the possibility of arranging for the establishment of a regional research and training center for cotton production in the Near East.

  • 241. The Conference suggested that:

  • (a) Further publications such as that on the grass cover of Latin America might be prepared.

    (b) Consideration be given to holding a technical conference on pasture and fodder crops in Africa.

    (c) A study be made of the possibility of obtaining United Nations Special Fund or other assistance the establishment of a plant introduction quarantine center in West Africa, and in the development of national plant protection organizations.

    (d) Consideration be given to the preparation of publications on nematodes, on equipment for the application of pesticides and their specifications, and on safe handling, use and storage of pesticides.

    (e) A study be made of the assessment and elimination of mycotoxins in stored products.

  • 242. The Conference noted the need expressed by some countries for increased technical assistance to Member Countries in the control of nematodes, noxius weeds and rodents particularly in tropical areas.

    Atomic energy in agriculture

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Points Affecting the Program of Work within the Approved Budget for the Biennium 1966-67

    243. The Conference noted the inherent difficulties in co-ordination due to the physical distance separating the FAO/IAEA Joint Division of Atomic Energy in Agriculture from other FAO Technical
    Divisions, and recognized that exceptional measures entailing considerable expenditure on travel and supporting service were required to ensure this co-ordination.

    244. The Conference recommended that applied research in this field should receive priority over fundamental research; it expressed the hope that the areas in the Program of Work chosen for emphasis would, in the long run, result in the enhancement of production levels.

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Future Trends beyond the Biennium 1966-67

    245. The-Conference recommended that priority be given to training at all technical levels, to the collection of research results and to the exchange of information through seminars, symposia and panels. It was also recommended that emphasis be given to soil/plant/water relationships, irradiation in food conservation, entomology and protection of crops, and to studies on protection against radiation in food and agriculture.

    246. The Conference considered that in future emphasis should be given to programs which concentrated on applications of immediate practical benefit to agriculture, and which were likely to make an impact on increased food supplies. It was also felt that assistance rendered should be related to the stage of development of recipient countries and their available resources.

    247. The Conference noted the need for maintaining close contact with the Codex Alimentarius and its Committee on Food Additives with respect to the legislative aspects of food irradiation, and with the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) with respect to publication of the World Summary of Dietary Levels of Radionuclides.

    D. Department of fisheries

    248. The Conference, having established a Committee on Fisheries recommended that it should so conduct its work as to supplement rather than supplant other organizations working effectively in the field of fisheries. In order to avoid duplication of work and to ensure effective, collaboration, the Committee when giving consideration to the development, both of its subsidiary structure and of co-operative arrangements with other bodies concerned, should take into account the work of Regional Fishery Councils and Commissions. The Conference noted that although the Committee on Fisheries would consist of no more than 30 Member Nations selected by the Council, all interested Member Nations would be entitled to attend and participate in the discussions as observers.

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Points Affecting the Program of Work within the Approved Budget for the Biennium 1966-67

    249. The Conference approved the plan for reorganizing the Fisheries Division and upgrading it to the status of a Department, as proposed in Chapter VI. B of the Director-General's Program of Work and Budget for 1966-67, subject to the following considerations:

  • (a) That the proposed organization be recognized as a first step in a planned expansion over three biennia, and that the growth of the Department during 1966-67 would be phased according to the actual workload,

    (b) That the Director-General, in executing the 1966-67 Program and drawing up the programs for the next two biennia, should-.

  • (i) Give greater attention to world food supplies and to the promotion of the consumption of fisheries products.

    (ii) Give greater attention to fish culture and inland fisheries generally, including the attendant engineering problems and the prevention and abatement of water pollution

    (iii) Scrutinize afresh the more urgent needs of discovering new sources of food with a view both to helping the further improvement of well -established fisheries of advanced nations and also to giving more emphasis in the interests of all Member Nations to applying with full effect modern scientific knowledge and experience to the finding of new resources.

    (iv) Recognize the importance to developing countries of the program related to fishing vessel design and improvement and harbor development, and, the value for increasing production of the effort devoted to gear research especially in relation to fish behavior.

    (v)Give greater emphasis to studies which would highlight the economics, investment and returns in fisheries to help the flow of capital to fisheries development, which is an urgent need of developing countries, while recognizing that some economic questions were more appropriate to study at national level than at international level, and

    (VI) Recognize the long-term necessity for management at International level of the renewable resources of the seas If a regular harvest Is to be maintained; recognize the importance of extending the concept of farming into the coastal regions; and encourage management in inland fisheries in order to reach the highest sustainable yields.

  • 250. The Conference endorsed the major lines of activity proposed by the Regional Fisheries
    Councils and Commissions, and noted with satisfaction that provision had been made in the Budget for more frequent meetings of officers and experts in connection with these bodies.

    251. The Conference invited the Director-General to examine whether there was any possible overlap between the functions of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean and the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission in relation to fish culture, and if necessary to make proposals for revision of their terms of reference.

    252. The Conference authorized the Director-General within the approved budget, to convene a technical conference on fisheries of West African countries to discuss problems of research and conservation which concern the fisheries of Western Africa, and what measures might be taken by Member Nations and FAO to provide effective means of co-operation and co-ordination in this field.

    253. The Conference, recalling Conference Resolution No. 9/63 and having regard to Recommendation 14/64 adopted at the Seventh FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, authorized the Director-General, subject to funds being available, to convene a technical conference or sessions of fishery representatives of the Near East countries as soon an possible, to exchange views and make recommendations regarding the fishery resources and their exploitation through appropriate national and intergovernmental action. The conference or sessions might be convened either in conjunction with the Eighth FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, or at some other convenient time and place if a Member Government was able to make available the necessary facilities and services; it should have on its agenda consideration of further action that might be taken in order to implement Conference Resolution No. 9/63 in regard to:

    (a) Oceanographic and biological survey, and exploration of fishery resources.

    (b) Economic and marketing surveys of fish and fish products.

    (c) The development and improvement of boats, gear, and nets for use in fishing operations, and

    (d) The designing and location of fish harbors, jetties, cold storage and processing plants.

    254. Special emphasis should be given to the need for such action in the Arabian Set, the Persian Gulf and other waters adjoining the coasts of Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Somalia mad other countries concerned; the problems of the area of the Red Sea and adjoining waters; and the question of development of the Inland fishery resources of the Near Eastern countries.

    255. The Conference suggested that, with reference to Recommendation 5/64 of the Seventh FAO Regional Conference for the Near East the proposed session should consider and co-ordinate requests to be made by Member Nations in the region for assistance by the United Nations Special Fund, in the hope that these could be submitted in time for approval by the governing body of the Special Fund at the end of 1966.

    256. The Conference took note of the urgent need to secure effective implementation of fishery development schemes in developing countries, and of the fact that many schemes were delayed by lack of trained local personnel. The Conference particularly emphasized that realistic planning for fishery development should provide for concerted, progressive and cumulative training of operators, managers, administrators and scientists, over the whole range of a country's fisheries with due regard to ton, to the extent desirable and in co-operation with ILO and other international organizations concerned.

    257. The Conference called attention to the need for developing and introducing acceptable fish protein concentrates, and requested the Director-General to advance the Organization's work in this connection at an rapid a rate as possible.

    258. The Conference requested the Director-General, in carrying out his Program of Work in the field of fishery education and training, to consider how Member Nations may be assisted in establishing suitable training institutions on a national, regional or international basis, and explore the question of financial assistance to these institutions with the appropriate agencies Including the United Nations Special Fund and the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance or their successor body.

    259. The Conference referred to the recommendation made at the Third FAO Regional Conference for Africa in September 1964 in Addis Ababa, for regional fisheries educational institutes to train personnel at all levels and disciplines in that region, and noted that a survey on fisheries education and training had been made by an FAO consultant in some countries in Africa in 1965. This report would shortly be available and should form the starting point for further action.

    260. The Conference noted that in Africa vocational training of fishermen was carried out primarily by national training centers in most of the countries and that education at university level to train senior administrators and research workers was available abroad through fellowships. The Conference agreed that facilities to train personnel at intermediate or technical level were lacking, in spite of the fact that these types of personnel were most urgently required for fishery development.

    261. The Conference therefore recommended that the Director-General assist the African countries:

    (a) In arranging a mission to both English-and French-speaking countries in Africa to survey their needs with special attention to the possibility of strengthening existing national training Institutions, and of establishing regional training institutes to meet such needs with assistance from UNSF or IBRD, and to assist in the preparation of the necessary requests, and

    (b) By assigning regional fisheries educational advisers to help the Governments in planning and Implementing training programs (including fellowships) under the Special Program for Agricultural Education and Training in Africa of the Regular Program, or under EPTA.

    262. The Conference considered document C 6 5/53 Rev. 1, centering on the report of the Working Party for Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources in the Atlantic Ocean. It endorsed the report in principle and, considering that a commission for the conservation of tuna and tuna-like fishes in the Atlantic Ocean was desirable, authorized the Director-General to call a conference of plenipotentiaries for the purpose of establishing such a commission, to invite all FAO Member Nations and Associate Members, and all nations non-Members of FAO that are Members of the United Nations or a Specialized Agency of the United Nations to send duly authorized representatives, and to enter Into an agreement with the commission, if and when established, along the lines set out in document C 65/53 Rev. 1.

    263. The Conference requested the Director-General to call to the attention of the Committee on Fisheries, when formed, the question of the rational utilization of the pelagic fishery resources in the Indian Ocean, and Invited the Committee to give priority to this matter.

    264. Some delegates stressed the economic and nutritional importance of the exploitation of marine resources in the international waters adjacent to the territorial waters of many developing countries, and urged that the developed countries should assist and co-operate with the developing countries in the exploitation of such resources.

    Recommendations and Suggestions on Future Trends beyond the Biennium 1966-67

    265. The Conference recognized that the Director-General's proposals for 1966-67 constituted the initial stage of a planned expansion extending over six years. Whilst the Director-General's proposals for this initial phase were endorsed subject only to certain suggestions, the Conference was not able at this time to offer any specific observations or to suggest modifications to the Director-General's plans, otherwise than as expressed in para. 249 above, regarding further stages since much would depend on the experience gained in the first biennium, and on further developments in world fisheries during this period. The Department of Fisheries would also take due account of comments made in para. 25 of the Report of the -Technical Committee on Fisheries (document C 65/Fl/5).

    E. Department of economic and social affairs

    Office of the assistant director-general
    Director for special studies
    Economic analysis
    Rural institutions and services

    Office of the assistant director-general

    266. The Conference noted the activities of the Office of the Assistant Director-General, and approved the proposed program of work for 1966-67.

    Director for special studies

    267. The Conference, noting with approval the proposed studies for the ensuing biennium, emphasized the need of flexibility in the working arrangements for the Director for Special Studies.


    Recommendations and Suggestions on Points Affecting the Program of Work within the Approved Budget for the Biennium 1966-67

    268. The Conference noted that the Commodities Division's basic role would continue substantially unchanged, and agreed that Its range of activities should be extended as proposed in line with the growing interest of Governments in commodity problems in the context of development.

    269. The Conference took note of the guiding lines for the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), recently adopted by the UNCTAD Committee on Commodities, which indicated that the UNCTAD bodies would continue to look to FAO for substantial assistance on agricultural commodity questions. (See paras. 57 and 72 to 80.)

    270. The Conference emphasized the importance of work on Individual commodities, and recommended that further attention be given to timely analysis of deteriorating commodity situations. The Conference endorsed the proposals to carry forward the Division's work in the two important fields of processed products and competition from synthetics.

    Recommendations and Suggestions cm Future Trends beyond the Biennium 1966-67

    271. The Conference felt that the capacity of the Division to render specialized commodity advice and to contribute to international discussion and action in the fields of trade and food aid rested upon its program of commodity studies, commodity policy reviews and projections. The Conference recommended that the work in these, fields be further developed.

    272. The Conference noted that more Intensive work would have to be undertaken on the linking of commodity policy with economic and agricultural planning. The Division should be ready to assist developing countries in the strengthening of their own commodity analysis work and in the formulation of their commodity policies in the light of world and regional commodity trends and prospects. Such work would involve more contacts with developing countries and increasing participation in field programs. It would also can for more study of the commodity aspects of regional integration arrangements and possibilities.

    Contents -