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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Thirteenth Session |
Rome, 20 November - 9 December 1965 |
II. Report thirteenth session of the conference, 20 November - 9 December 1965
A. The late Amir of Kuwait
B. The late dr. Philip V. Cardon
C. The late John F. Kennedy
D. In memoriam
E. McDougall memorial lecture
F. Twentieth, anniversary of FAO commemorative statements by heads of delegations
A. Appointment of chairman, vice-chairmen, general committeé and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
E. Verification of credentials
F. Admission of observers
IV. Major trends and policy questions in food and agriculture
A. World situation and outlook
a) Twenty years of FAO
b) Agricultural production
c) International trade in agricultural products
d) Agriculture development in developing countries
e) Agricultural problems of developed countriesa) The world commodity situation
b) Work of-the committee on commodity problems
c) Food aid and surplus utilization
d) Individual commodity mattersRelations between CCP and UNCTAD
1970 world census of agriculture and agricultural census fundB. Indicative world plan for agricultural development
C. World food program
D. Freedom from hunger campaignReport on results achieved and future orientation of the campaign
a) National FFHC committees
b) Information
c) Action program
d) Young world mobilization appeal
e) Industry co-operationPlans for the second world food congress
International rice year
V. Activities and programs of the organization
A. Introduction
B. Department of public relations and legal affairsPublic information
Legislation research
Other mattersOffice of the assistant director-general
Animal production and health
Forestry and forests products
Land and water development
Plant production and protection
Atomic energy in agricultureD. Department of fisheries
E. Department of economic and social affairsOffice of the assistant director-general
Director for special studies
Economic analysis
Rural institutions and services
StatisticsConference council and other sessions
Office of the director-general
Department of administration and finance
Common services
Area liaison service (regional offices)
Freedom from hunger campaign
Miscellaneous expedition and contingencies
Reserve to cover possible future mandatory increases
Miscellaneous incomeG. Interagency relations and consultations on matters of common interest
Matters arising out of ECOSOC and ACC discussions
FAO/UNICEF relations
Codex Alimenitarius commission
FAO/IBRD co-operative program
Joint activities with the Inter-American development bank (IDB)H. Technical co-operation programs
General considerations
Future conference review of development programs
Impact of field programs on the regular program
Co-operation between multilateral and bilateral aid programs
Increased technical assistance
International guarantee for government land reform bonds
Evaluation of conferences, seminars and visits of expertsI. Program of work and budget 1966-67
VI. Constitutional, financial and administrative matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
Amendment of the preamble of the constitution
Amendment of article V of the constitution - committee on fisheries
Increase in the number of council seats
Committees, working parties and panels of experts
Procedures which could be applied in the event of urgent issues arising between council sessions
Independent chairman of the council
Increase in membership of the committee on commodity problems (CCP)
Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements, and on amendments thereto (article XIV of the constitution)
Relationship agreements with international organizationa) Agreement with the intergovernmental maritime consultative organization (IMCO)
b) Agreement for the co-ordination of FAO and Inter-American development bank (IDB) activities
c) Agreement between FAO and the international bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD)/ international development association (IDA)a) Rules of procedure of the Codex Alimentarius commission
b) Statutes of the statistics advisory committee
c) Rules of procedure of the near east plant protection commissionRelations with international organizations other than the United Nations and specialized agencies, and granting of consultative status to international nongovernmental organizations
Technical committees of the conference
Convention on the privileges and immunities of tee specialized agencies amendment to annexa) Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign, 1962-63
b) European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, 1963 and 1964
c) United Nations special fund, 1963 and 1964
d) World food program 1963 and 1964Financial position of the organization
Scale of contributions, 1966-67
Assessment of Tanzania
Contributions and advances by new members and associate members
Status of contributions
Working capital funda) Level of the working capital fund
b) Authority of the director-general for emergency action for the control of livestock diseases
c) Reimbursement of withdrawal - amendment of pensionable remunerationSalary of the director-general and representation allowances of the director-general and deputy director-general
Publications revolving fund
VII. Membership, elections and appointments
A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Status of British Guiana and Mauritius
C. Withdrawal of Indonesia
D. United republic of Tanzania
E. Election of council memberF. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
G. Appointment of the FAO staff pension committee
VIII. Date and the fourteenth session of the conference
A. Agenda
B. Delegates and observers attending the thirteenth session of the conference
C. List of documents
D. Scale of contributions 1966-1967
E. Convenio para la creacion del consejo general de pesca del mediterraneo
F. Agreement between the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the intergovernmental maritime consultative organization (IMCO)
G. Agreement for the co-ordination of FAO and Inter-American development bank (IDB) activities
H. Memorandum of understanding with respect to working arrangements between the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the international bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD) and the international development association (IDA)