Contents -

C. List of documents


C 65/1


C 65/2

Arrangements for Thirteenth Session of the Conference

C 65/2 - Rev. 1

Arrangements for Thirteenth Session of the Conference

C 65/2 - Supp. 1

Appendix IV * Technical Committees of the Thirteenth Session of the Conference

C 65/3

Program of Work and Budget

C 65/3 - Supp. 1

Role of FAO in world fishery development

C 65/3 - Supp. 2

Annex X. Trust Funds

C 65/3 - Rev. 1

Annex X. Trust Funds

C 65/3 - Corr. 1

Annex X. Trust Funds

C 65/3 - Supp. 3

Annex M. Trust Funds under the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/3 - Supp. 3 Rev. 1

Annex XI. Trust Funds under the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/3 - Supp. 4

Chapter M. Reserve to cover possible future mandatory increases

C 65/3 - Supp. 5

Supplementary estimates

C 65/3 - Supp. 5 Add. 1

Supplementary estimates of mandatory costs, salary and related common staff costs of professional category and above

C 65/3 - Supp. 6

Annex IX. Summary of United Nations Special Fund (revision)

C 65/3 - Supp. 7

Establishment and grading of posts

C 65/3 - Supp. 8

Consolidated estimates

C 65/3 - Supp. 8 - Rev. 1

Consolidated estimates

C 65/4

State of food and agriculture 1965

C 65/4 - Corr. 1

State of food and agriculture 1965

C 65/4 Supp. 1

Recent developments in the world food and agriculture situation

C 65/5

EPTA. Accounts for 1963

C 65/6

World Food Program Financial reports and statements from inception through 31 December 1963

C 65/6 - Corr. 1

World Food Program. Financial reports and statements from inception through 31 December 1963

C 6 5/7

Regular Program and FFHC. Accounts for 1963

C 65/8

European Commission for Foot-and -Mouth Disease. Accounts for 1963

C 65/9

UNSF. Accounts for 1963

C 65/10

Report by the Secretary -General of United Nations and the Director-General of FAO on the future development of the World Food Program with reference to General Assembly Resolution 1714 (XVI)

C 85/10 - Corr. 1

Report by the Secretary-General of United Nations and the Director-General of FAO on the future development of the World Food Program with reference to General Assembly Resolution 1714 (XVI)

C 65/11

FFHC. Basic Studies

C 65/12-Add. 1

Admission of observers to the Session Addendum to admission of observers to the Session

C 65/13

Supplementary items for the provisional agenda of the Session and arrangements for Thirteenth Conference Session

C 65/14

Activities under EPTA and UNSF (Ad Hoe Working Party)

C 65/16

1970 World Census of Agriculture and Agriculture Census Fund

C 65/17

Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Development

C 65/18

Report on results achieved and future orientation of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/16 - Add. 1

Report on results achieved and future orientation of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/19

Plans for the Second World Food Congress 1968

C 65/20

Report of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to the Thirteenth Session of the FAO Conference for the period from 1 July 1963 to I October 1965

C 65/21

Article XI reports

C 65/22

Not issued.

C 65/23

The work of FAO 1964-65

C 65/24

Matters arising out of ECOSOC and ACC discussions

C 65/25

FAO/UNICEF relations

C 65/26

Second report an André Mayer Fellowships 1956-64

C 65/27

Codex Alimentarius Commission. Report on Joint FAO/WHO Program on Food Standards

C 65/28

Survey of FAO's general structure

C 65/28. Rev. 2

Survey of FAO's general structure

C 65/29

World Food Program

C 65/31

Increase in the number of Council seats

C 65/32

Committees, working parties and panels of experts

C 65/33

Activities under EPTA and UNSF (Ad Hoc Working Party)

C 65/34

Technical Co-operation Programs UNSF and EPTA

C 65/35

Activities under EPTA and UNSF (Ad Ho Working Party)

C 65/36

Report on results achieved and future orientation of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/37

Activities under EPTA and UNSF

C 65/38

Documentation Center

C 65/39

Statutory report of the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto

C 65/40

Agreement between FAO and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

C 65/40 - Supp. 1

Agreement between FAO and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

C 65/41

Statutes and Rules of Procedure of Article VI bodies

C 65/42

Relations with international organizations (excluding United Nations and Specialized Agencies) and granting of consultative status

C 65/43

Technical Committees of the Conference

C 65/44

Scale of Contributions 1966-61

C 65/44 - Rev. 1

Scale of Contributions 1966-67

C 65/45

Working Capital-Fund

C 65/45 - Rev.

Working Capital Fund

C 65/46

Program of Work and Budget, 1966-67. Salaries of the professional category and above

C 65/47

Headquarters accommodation

C 65/48

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization

C 65/48- Add. 1

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization

C 65/49

Election of Council Members

C 65/50

FAO/IBRD Co-operative Program

C 65/51

Special Program for Education and Training in Africa

C 65/52

Appointment of Independent Chairman of Council

C 65/53

Working Party for Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources in the Atlantic Ocean

C 65/53 - Rev. 1

Working Party for Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources in the Atlantic Ocean

C 65/54

Report of Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Eleventh Session, to the Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization

C 65/55

Farm broadcasting

C 65/55 - Supp. 1

Farm broadcasting

C 65/50

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. Financial report and statements for the year ended 31 December 1964

C 65/56 - Corr. 1

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Financial report and statements for the year ended 31 December 1964

C 65/57

Expanded Program of Technical Assistance. Financial reports and statements for the year ended 31 December 1964

C 65/58

United Nations Special Fund. Financial report and statements for the period ended 31 December 1964

C 65/60

Appointment of Representatives to Staff Pension Committee

C 65/61

World Food Program. Financial report and statements from inception through 31 December 1964

C 65/61 - Corr. 1

World Food Program. Financial report and statements from inception through 31 December 1964

C 65/62

Emergency Fund for the Control of Plant Pests and Diseases


C 65/INF/1

Excerpts from regulations governing voting and elections by the Conference

C 65/INF/2

Member Nations of FAO, Council Members, and Members of Council Committees

C 65/INF/3

Admission of new Members and Associate Members

C 65/INF/3 -Rev. I

Admission of now Members and Associate Members

C 65/INF/4

Nomination form for Council elections

C 65/INF/5

Fifth provisional list of delegates and observers attending the Thirteenth Conference Session

C 65/INF/5

List of Conference documents

C 65/INF/6 -Rev. I

List of Conference documents

C 415/INF/6 -Rev. 2

List of Conference documents an of 2 December 1965

C 65/INF/7

Check-list of Conference documents of Commission II

C 65/LIM/1

Report on results achieved and future orientation of the FFHC

C 65/LIM/2

Technical Committee on Fisheries. Proposed Committee on Fisheries

C 65/LIM/3

1965 McDougall Memorial Lecture

C 65/LIM/3- Rev. 1

1965 McDougall Memorial Lecture

C 65/LIM/4

Relations between CCP and UNCTAD

C 65/LIM/4 - Add. 1

Commodity problems. Extract from the report of the Forty-Fifth Session of the FAO Council

C 65/LIM/5

Status of contributions

C 65/LIM/6

Report of the Nominations Committee

C 65/LIM/7

The evolution of technical assistance activities and their evaluation

C 65/LIM/9

Report of the Rapporteur on the work of the Technical Committees to Commission II of the Thirteenth Session of the Conference

C 65/LIM/9- Supp. 1

Draft resolution submitted by the Rapporteur at the request of the Technical Committee on Forestry. Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics

C 65/LIM/9- Supp. 2

Nutrition recommendations and suggestions on points affecting the Program of Work within the approved Budget for the biennium 1966-67

C 65/LIM/10

First report of the General Committee. Organization of the Conference Session

C 65/LIM/11

Establishment of a Committee on Fisheries

C 65/LIM/12

Address by the Director-General

C 65/LIM/12 - Rev. 1

Address by the Director-General

C 65/LIM/13

Draft resolution submitted by Romania. Twenty years of FAO

C 65/LIM/13 - Rev. 1

Draft resolution submitted by Romania. Twenty years of FAO

C 65/LIM/14

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Exploitation of marine resources in international waters

C 65/LIM/15

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba, Technical assistance

C 6 5/LIM/15 - Rev. 1

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Technical assistance

C 65/LIM/16

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Technical institutes for the fisheries industry

C 65/LIM/17

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Information on methods and experimentation conducive to increasing agricultural production in the underdeveloped parts of the world

C 65/LIM/17 - Rev. 1

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Information on methods and experimentation conducive to increasing agricultural production in the underdeveloped parts of the world

C 65/LIM/18

Draft Resolution submitted by Cuba. Agricultural education and development

C 65/LIM/18 - Rev. 1

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Agricultural education and development

C 65/LIM/19

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Structural reform

C 65/LIM/20

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Free trade in foodstuffs, medicines and supplies for agricultural production

C 65/LIM/21

Commission I. Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Differential tariffs on processed products

C 65/UM/22

Commission I. Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Agricultural protection and trade

C 65/LIM/23

Commission I. Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Access to markets and long-term trade agreements

C 65/LIM/24

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Agricultural trade among developing countries

C 65/LIM/25

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Foreign exchange for importing agricultural requisites

C 65/LIM/26

Second report of the General Committee. Organization of the Conference Session

C 65/LIM/27

Emergency Fund for the Control of Plant Pests and Diseases

C 65/LIM/28

Agricultural education, training and extension. Draft resolution submitted by the Government of Afghanistan

C 65/LIM/29

Commission U. Draft resolution submitted by the delegate from U.A.R. Technical Committee on Economics

C 65/LIM/30

Report of the Ad Hoc Working Party on Field Programs to Commission II

C 65/LIM/31

Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies. Amendment to Annex II

C 65/LIM/32

World Food Program (Report of the Forty-Fifth Council Session)

C 65/LIM/33

Draft resolution submitted by Cuba. Increasing the consumption of food commodities in low-income countries through the World Food Program

C 65/LIM/34

Draft resolution proposed by the Peruvian delegation. International guarantee for government agrarian bonds

C 65/LIM/35

Survey of the Organization's general structure (Report of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council)

C 65/LIM/36

Supplementary estimate of costs

C 66/LIM/37

Audited accounts, Expanded Program of Technical Assistance 1964, United Nations Special Fund 1964, European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease 1964, World Food Program 1964

C 65/LIM/38

Headquarters accommodation

C 65/LIM/39

Commission I. Indicative World Plan

C 65/LIM/40

Report of the Credentials Committee

C 65/LIM/41

Third report of the General Committee

C 65/LIM/42

Report of the Second Freedom from Hunger Campaign Conference

C 65/LIM/43

Program of Work and Budget for 1966-67. Draft appropriations resolution

C 65/LIM/44

Commission I. Draft resolution of Colombia. 1970 World Agricultural Census

C 65/LIM/44 - Rev. 1

Commission I. Draft resolution of Colombia. 1970 World Agricultural Census

C 65/LIM/45

Commission I. World Food Program

C 65/LIM/46

Freedom from Hunger Campaign International Rice Year)

C 65/LIM/47

Professional staff by Divisions in the Technical and Economics Departments

C 65/LIM/48

Commission I. Draft resolution submitted by Chad, Senegal and Togo. Organization of world agricultural commodity markets

C 65/LIM/48 - Rev. 1

Commission I. Draft resolution submitted by Chad, Senegal and Togo. Organization of world agricultural commodity markets

C 65/LIM/49

Commission I. Draft resolution on Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/LIM/50

Fourth, report of the General Committee

C 65/LIM/51

Commission I. Industrial co-operation to speed up agricultural productivity under the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 65/LIM/52

Fifth report of the General Committee

C 65/LIM/53

Second report of the Credentials Committee

C 65/LIM/54

Report of informal meetings of international nongovernmental organizations

C 65/REP


C 65/REP/1

Draft report of Commission III, Part I

C 65/REP/I - Rev. 1

Draft report of Commission III, Part I

C 65/REP/I - Add. 1

Draft report of Commission III, Part I. Revised text on increase of Council seats, paras. 17 - 22

C 65/REP/2

Draft report of the Ad Hoc Working Party on Field Programs to Commission II

C 65/REP/3

Draft report of Commission II Part I

C 65/REP/3 - Rev. 1

Draft report of Commission II, Part I

C 65/REP/4

Report of Commission HI to the Plenary, Part I

C 65/REP/4 - Add. 1

Report of Commission III, Part I

C 65/REP/5

Draft report of Commission II, Part II

C 65/REP/5 - Add. 1

Draft report of Commission II, Part 11. Report of the Rapporteur on the work of the Technical Committees

C 65/REP/6

Draft report of Commission II, Part III

C 65/REP/7

Draft report of Commission III, Part II

C 65/REP/8

Draft report of Commission I, Part I

C 65/REP/9

Report of Commission II to the Plenary, Part III

C 65/REP/10

Draft report of Commission I, Part I (Revision of C 65/REP/8)

C 65/REP/11

Report of Commission III to the Plenary, Part II

C 65/REP/11 - Corr. 1

Draft report of Plenary. Convention on the privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Amendment to Annex II

C 65/REP/12

Draft report of Commission II, Part IV

C 65/REP/14

Report of Commission II to the Plenary, Part I

C 65/REP/15

Report of Commission II to the Plenary, Part II

C 65/REP/16

Report of Commission II to the Plenary, Part IV

(Revision of C 65/REP/12)

C 65/REP/17

Draft report of Commission I, Part III

C 65/REP/18

Draft report of Commission I, Part IV

C 65/REP/19

Draft report of Commission I, Part V

C 65/REP/20

Draft report of Commission I, Part VI

C 65/REP/21

Draft report of Commission I, Part VII

C 65/REP/22

Draft Conference report

C 65/REP/22 - Add. 1

Draft Conference report

C 65/REP/23

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part II

C 65/REP/24

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part III

C 65/REP/25

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part TV

C 65/REP/20

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part V

C 65/REP/27

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part VI

C 65/REP/28

Report of Commission I to the Plenary, Part VII


C 65/PV-1 to C 65/PV -21

Plenary meetings

C 65/PV-I/1 to C 65/l/PV-14

Commission I

C 65/II/PV-1 to C6 5/11/PV - 15

Commission III

C 65/III/PV-1 to C 65/III/PV-11

Commission III


C 69/AG/1

First draft. Provisional agenda

C 65/AG/2-Rev. I

Land and Water Development Division. Introductory statement c 65/AG/3 Animal Production and Health Division. Introductory statement

C 65/AG/4

Provisional timetable

C 65/AG/5

Plant Production and Protection Division. Introductory statement

C 65/AG/6

Atomic energy in agriculture. Introductory statement

C 66/AG/7

Activities and future development of the FFHC Fertilizer Program

C 65/AG/8(a)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Animal Production and Health Division

C 65/AG/8(b)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Land and Water Development Division

C 65/AG/8(c)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Plant Production and Protection Division

C 69/AG/8(d)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture

C 65/AG/8(e)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Agriculture

C 65/AG/8(f)

Technical Committee on Agriculture

C 65/AG/9

Report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture



C 65/EC/1

Provisional agenda. First draft

C 65/EC/2

Report of the Second Session of the Statistics Advisory Committee

C 65/EC/3

Provisional timetable

C 65/EC/4

Economic Analysis Division. Introductory statement

C 65/EC/5

Rural Institutions and Services Division. Introductory statement

C 65/EC/6

Commodities Division. Statement of the Director

C 65/EC/7

Statistics Division. Introductory statement

C 65/EC/8

Report on the activities of the Division and program of education

C 65/EC/8(a)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Economics

C 65/EC/8(b)

Technical Committee on Economics. Draft report on activities of Rural Institutions and Services Division and the Special Program for Education and Training in Africa

C 65/EC/8(d)

Technical Committee on Economics. Commodities Division

C 65/EC/B(e)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Economic Analysis Division and Technical Assistance of Regular Program

C 65/EC/8(f)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Economics. Statistics Division

C 65/EC/9

Draft report of Technical Committee on Economics. Indicative World Plan

C 65/EC/10

Report of the Technical Committee on Economics

C 65/EC/10-Corr. 1

Report of the Technical Committee on Economics



C 65/Fl/1

Provisional agenda. First draft

C 65/Fl/2

Provisional timetable

C 65/FI/3

Statement on FAO's role in fishery development

C 65/FI/4(a)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries. Part I

C 65/FI/4(b)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries. Part II

C 65/FI/4(c)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries. Part III

C 65/FI/4(d)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries, Part IV

C 65/FI/4(e)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries. Part V

C 65/FI/4(f)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries. Part VI

C 65/FI/4(g)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Fisheries

C 65/FI/5

Report of Technical Committee on Fisheries



C 65/FO/l

Provisional agenda. First draft

C 65/FO/2

Arrangements and provisional timetable

C 65/FO/3

Introductory statement

C 65/FO/4(a)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part I

C 65/FO/4(b)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part II(b)

C 65/FO/4(d)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part II

C 65/FO/4(e)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part I (b) (Continued)

C 65/FO/4(f)

Draft report of the Technical- Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part III (c)

C 65/FO/4(g)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part I (c)

C 65/FO/4(h)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Part I (b)

C 65/FO/5

Report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products



C 65/NU/1

Provisional agenda. First draft

C 65/NU/2

Provisional timetable

C 65/NU/3

Statement by Dr. M. Autret, Director, Nutrition Division

C 65/NU/4

Draft report of Technical Committee on Nutrition

C 65/NU/5

Report of Technical Committee on Nutrition

Information and publications


C 65/IP/1

Provisional agenda. First draft

C 65/IP/2

FAO Magazine

C 65/IP/2 - Supp. 1

FAO Magazine

C 65/IP/3

Field reports

C 65/IP/4

Introductory statement. Public Information Service

C 65/IP/5

Provisional timetable

C 65/IP/6

Publications Division. Introductory statement

C 65/IP/7(a)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Publications (I)

C 6 5/IP/7 (b)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Legislation Research

C 65/IP/7(c)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Library

C 65/IP/7 (d)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Publications (II)

C 65/IP/7(e)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Public Information

C 65/IP/7 (f) Rev. 1

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Public Information

C 65/IP/7(g)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Public Information

C 65/IP/8

Report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications


Contents -