449. The Conference noted that at its Forty-Third Session the Council had by Resolution No. 1/43 approved, in accordance with Rule XXIV 4(c) of the General Rules of the Organization, an Agreement between FAO and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), setting out the working arrangements for a joint FAO/IBRD Program.
450. The Conference further noted that at its Forty-Fourth Session the Council had approved. By Resolution No. 12/44, two amendments to this Agreement, and that in accordance with Rule XXIV.4(c) the Agreement as amended, reproduced in document C 65/50, had been submitted to the Conference for confirmation.
451. Considering the desirability of continuing the successful co-operation already achieved between FAO and IBRD under the Joint Program, the Conference derided to confirm the above mentioned agreement, as amended by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
Agreement between FAO and IBRD/IDA
Confirms, in conformity with the provisions of Article XIII-1 of the Constitution of the Organization, the decisions of the Forty-Third and Forty-Fourth Sessions of the Council approving the Agreement between the Organization and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the text of which is attached as Appendix H hereto.
(Adopted 0. 12. 6 5)
452. While confirming the Agreement, the Conference considered that the terms of the Agreement might, with special reference to the financial provisions thereof, be reviewed again after the 1966-67 biennium in the light of developments and of experience under the Program.
453. During the discussions regarding the confirmation of the Agreement, the Delegate of Poland stated that his Government considered that the financial provisions of the Agreement involved a departure from the general principle applicable to other programs, such as the Special Fund and the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, according to which FAO claims full reimbursement for the costs which It incurred in connection with its participation in these programs. Therefore, in his Government's view, the financial provisions of the Agreement should be reviewed, after the 1966-67 biennium, taking this principle into account. The Delegate of Poland tabled a resolution to this effect, which, however, was not adopted. The Delegate of Poland stated that therefore his Delegation could not support the Agreement in its present form.
Statutes and rules of procedure of article VI bodies
a) Rules of procedure of the Codex Alimentarius commission
b) Statutes of the statistics advisory committee
c) Rules of procedure of the near east plant protection commission
454. The Conference had before it document C 65/41 which was submitted to it by the DirectorGeneral.
a) Rules of procedure of the Codex Alimentarius commission
455. The FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission established by the Eleventh Session of the Conference and the Sixteenth World Health Assembly, adopted Rules of Procedure at its First Session (1963) in accordance with para. 7 of the Statutes of the Commission.
456. Amendments to these Rules were adopted by the Commission at its Second Session (September 1964).
457. The Rules of Procedure as amended were approved by the Director-General on 21 June 1965. In conformity with the provisions of Article VI. 3 of the FAO Constitution, these Rules are subject to confirmation by the Conference. However, the Conference noting that the work of the Commission was to be brought within the framework of the regular Programs of Work and Budget of FAO and WHO, and that further amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Commission would consequently be required to adapt them to the new situation, decided to defer for the time being any action regarding the present Rules of Procedure.
b) Statutes of the statistics advisory committee
458. In accordance with the provisions of Article VI. 2 of the Constitution, the Director-General, on the authority of the Conference or Council, may establish committees of individuals appointed in their personal capacity, in view of their special competence in technical matters, and determine the terms of reference and the reporting procedures of such committees. The Director-General, considering the terms of Resolution No. 46/59 of the Tenth Session of the Conference and the action of the Eleventh Session of the Conference, as reflected in para. 294 of its Report, established on 26 June 1962 under Article VI, para. 2 of the Constitution, a Committee known as the FAO Statistics Advisory Committee, consisting of individuals to be appointed in their personal capacity.. and promulgated Statutes for the Committee subject to confirmation by the Conference. The Committee, at its First Session (October 1963) proposed some amendments to Its Statutes, which the Director-General promulgated making such approval, likewise, subject to confirmation by the Conference.
459. The Conference had before It the Statutes of the Statistics Advisory Committee as amended and promulgated by the Director-General. and approved these Statutes, the text of which is attached to document C 65/41 as Annex 1.
c) Rules of procedure of the near east plant protection commission
460. The Twelfth Session of the Conference, taking into consideration the views and recommendation of the FAO Plant Protection Meetings for the Near East (1961 and 1962), and of the Eleventh Session of the Conference, established under Article VI, para. 1 of the FAO Constitution, a Regional Commission called The Near East Plant Protection Commission, and adopted Statutes for this Commission. In accordance with para. 9 of its Statutes, the Commission, at its First Session (June 1965) adopted Rules of Procedure which were approved by the Director-General on 15 September 1965.
461. In accordance with the requirements of Article VI, para. 3 of the FAO Constitution, these Rules were subject to confirmation by the Conference.
462. The Conference, having taken cognizance of the Rules of Procedure of the Near East PlantProtection Commission, confirmed the aforementioned Rules of Procedure which appear in Annex II of document C 65/41.
463. The Conference noted the report (C 65/42) which the Director-General had submitted in accordance with the policy governing relations with International Organizations, adopted at the Seventh Session of the Conference.
Technical committees of the conference
464. At its Forty-Third and Forty-Fourth Sessions the Council considered the utility and timing of the Technical Committees of the Conference. An excerpt from the Report of the Forty-Fourth Council Session was circulated to the Conference (C 65/43).
465. The Conference agree in general with the conclusions contained in the Council's report, and in particular decided that. at its next (Fourteenth) Session in 1967 the same six Technical Committees be established, i.e.:
Technical Committee on Agriculture
Technical Committee on Economics
Technical Committee on Fisheries
Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products
Technical Committee on Information and Publications
Technical Committee on Nutrition
466. The Conference also agree that the Committees should convene in time to conclude their work before the formal opening of the Fourteenth Session, as was the case at the Thirteenth Session.
467. The Conference, recalling that in earlier sessions arrangements had been made for delegates attending the Technical Committee on Agriculture to participate in the Technical Committee onEconomics when work in the field of rural institutions and services was under review, noted the desirability of reverting to these arrangements in future sessions.
468. With regard to the methods of work and reporting by the Technical Committees, the Conference noted a considerable improvement as compared to earlier Conference Sessions but felt that some aspects still required consideration. The work of the Technical Committees of the Rapporteur and of Commission II of the Conference were complementary and needed to be examined as a whole.
469. It was stressed that both the agendas of the Technical Committees and the presentation of Items should adhere to the terms of reference of the Technical Committees, as set out in Rule XV. 3 of the General Rules of the Organization, which read as follows:
"(a) review the activities of the biennium coming to an end relating to the regular, technical assistance and other programs;
(b) consider from a technical standpoint the different chapters of the draft program of work for the ensuing biennium;
(c) consider the trends of the Program of Work beyond the ensuing biennium; and
(d) study such items as may be specifically referred to It by the Council."
This had not always been the case at the Technical Committee meetings at the Thirteenth Session of the Conference.
470. The agenda for the six Technical Committees, which had been drawn up at the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council and circulated in that form, had in some cases been modified when presented to the Committees at their opening meetings; this had tended to cause some confusion.
471. The Conference agreed that in future the Technical Committee on Information and Publications should review all the activities of the Department of Public Relations and Legal Affairs.
472. Attention was also drawn to the need for the Technical Committees to adhere to the instructions laid down for them on the way in which their reports should be drawn up. It was important that the recommendations which required Conference action or decision should be clearly and concisely set out, so that the Rapporteur on the Technical Committees could select these items for presentation to Commission II of the Conference.
473. It was also suggested that the instructions given to the Rapporteur on the work of the Technical Committees needed to be clarified, and that the Rapporteur's report should be in the form of a draft section of the Conference Report.
474. Finally, attention was drawn to the need to allocate sufficient time for consideration by delegates of the various technical aspects of FAO's work in the Technical Committees, and one delegation suggested that this might be achieved by considering in detail at each Conference Session the work of half the total organizational units concerned, so that in a four-year period the work of these units would have been considered in detail. Another means of ensuring sufficient time for technical discussion would be to present the material in a more concentrated form, perhaps providing more of the background information in tabular form on the programs of the biennium just ending, and of the Immediately forthcoming biennium.
475. The Conference suggested that the Council consider whether at future sessions of the Technical Committees an additional document should be provided covering the past work of the divisions and future Intentions, together with a synopsis of all relevant information in a form which delegates could readily appraise.
476. The Conference requested the Council to re-examine at Its Forty-Seventh Session the work of the Technical Committees and of Commission II, to provide clear guidelines on the duties and responsibilities of the Rapporteur on the Work of the Technical Committees, and to report thereon to the Fourteenth Session of the Conference.
Convention on the privileges and immunities of tee specialized agencies amendment to annex
477. The Conference had before it a proposal by the Director-General, contained in document C 65/LIM/31, that para. 3 of Annex II of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, applicable specifically to FAO, be amended. The purpose of this amendment was to extend to the Assistant Directors -General of FAO the privileges and immunities granted to the Director-General under Section 21 of the standard clauses of the Convention which, by para. 3 of Annex 11 adopted by the Fourth Session of the Conference (1948), were extended to the Deputy Director-General.
478. Many delegations supported the Director-Generals proposal. In particular, as officials having the rank of Assistant Directors-General in other organizations of the United Nations family, in which this rank existed, already enjoyed the privileges and Immunities to which the Director-General's proposal referred, these delegations felt that the Assistant Directors-General of FAO should receive the same treatment.
479. Many other delegations, while not opposed in principle to the Director-General's proposal, felt that their governments had not had sufficient time in which to study its implications since this item was added to the Conference agenda on the first day of the Session.
480. The Conference approved the Director-General' a proposal to amend para. 3 of Annex II of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies contained in document C 65/LIM/31, and adopted the following resolution:
Amendment to Paragraph 3 of Annex II of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies.
Considering that para. 3 of Annex III to the Convention on the Privileges I and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies provides that the Deputy Director-General shall enjoy the privileges and immunities granted to the Director-General under Section 21 of the standard clauses of the Convention,
Considering it desirable to extend the privileges and immunities to the Assistant Directors -General of the Organization,
Decides to amend para. 3 of Annex 11 of the Convention by the addition of the words underlined:
"3. The privileges, immunities, exemptions and facilities referred to in Section 21 of the standard clauses shall be accorded to the Deputy Director-General and the Assistant Directors -General of the Organization."
Requests the Director-General to transmit Annex 11 as revised to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and to such Member Nations of the Organization as are not Members of the United Nations.
(Adopted 8. 12. 6 5)
Audited accounts
Financial position of the organization
Scale of contributions, 1966-67
Assessment of Tanzania
Contributions and advances by new members and associate members
Status of contributions
Working capital fund
Salary of the director-general and representation allowances of the director-general and deputy director-general
Publications revolving fund
a) Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign, 1962-63
b) European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, 1963 and 1964
c) United Nations special fund, 1963 and 1964
d) World food program 1963 and 1964
a) Regular program and freedom from hunger campaign, 1962-63
481. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts of the Regular Program and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign for the financial period 1962-63, ended 31 December 1963, and the Report of the External Auditor thereon as submitted by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adapted the following resolution:
Regular Program and Freedom from Hunger Campaign, Audited accounts for 1962-63
Having examined the audited accounts of the Regular Program and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign for the fifteenth financial period 1962-63 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
b) European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease, 1963 and 1964
482. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for the year 1963, and the Report of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
European Commission for the Control of Foot -and -Mouth Disease, Audited accounts for 1963
Having examined the audited accounts of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for the financial year 1963 and the External Auditor's Report thereon, Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6. 12. 65)
483. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts for the year 1964 of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, as submitted by the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Audited Accounts for 1964
Having examined the audited accounts of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for the financial year 1964 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, 1963 and 1904
484. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for the year 1963 and the Report of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution.:
Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, Audited Accounts for 1963
Having examined the audited accounts of the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for the financial year 1963 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
485. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for the year 1964 and the Report of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, Audited Accounts for 1964
Having examined the audited accounts of the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance for the financial year 1964 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6. 12.65)
c) United Nations special fund, 1963 and 1964
486. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts of the United Nations Special Fund for 1963 and the External Auditor's Report thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
United Nations Special Fund, Audited Accounts for 1963
Having examined the audited accounts of the United Nations Special Fund for the financial year 1963 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the said audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6. 12. 6 5)
487. The Conference considered and approve the audited accounts of the United Nations SpecialFund for 1964 and the External Auditor's Report thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
United Nations Special Fund, Audited Accounts for 1964
Having examined the audited accounts of the United Nations Special Fund for the financial year 1964 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6. 12. 65)
d) World food program 1963 and 1964
488. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts of the World Food Program for the financial year 1963 and the Report of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:
World Food Program, Audited Accounts for 1963
Having examined the audited accounts of the World Food Program for the financial year 1963 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6. 12. 65)
489. The Conference considered and approved the audited accounts of the World Food Program for the financial year 1964, and the Report of the External Auditor thereon, as submitted by the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council, and adapted the following resolution:
World Food Program, Audited Accounts for 1964
Having examined the audited accounts of the World Food Program for the financial year 1964 and the External Auditor's Report thereon,
Adopts the audited accounts for the abovementioned period.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
Financial position of the organization
490. The Conference noted with gratification the satisfactory rate of collection of the current year's assessments, but observed that some Important contributions were still in arrears.
491. The Conference stressed the importance of receiving assessments promptly when due, and appealed to Member Nations in arrears to regularize their positions.
Scale of contributions, 1966-67
492. The Conference, at its Eighth Session, decided that the FAO Scale of Contributions would in future be derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments as in force during the calendar of the Conference Session, and that such scale would be applicable to the two following years.
493. A draft of the proposed Scale of Contributions for 1966-67, based on the Scale for 1965 recommended by the United Nations Committee on Contributions, had been recommended by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council for adoption by the Conference, subject to the appropriate adjustments arising from the admission of new Members.
494. The Conference examined the thus amended Scale of Contributions for 1966-67 and noted that the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council had recommended that, in line with a corresponding action by the United Nations, the assessment of Malaysia be reduced from 0. 20 percent to 0. 16 percent in view of Singapore having become independent in August 1965.
495. The Conference consequently adopted the following resolution, with the Delegate of the Government of the Polish People's Republic reserving the position of his Government:
Scale of Contributions, 1966-67
Having considered the Reports of the Forty-Fourth and the Forty-Fifth Sessions of the Council;
Noting the recommended United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1965,
Decides to adopt for use in 1966 and 1967 the Scale of Contributions set out in Appendix D which is derived from the above United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1965, except that the assessment of Malaysia for 1966 and 1967 shall be 0. 16 percent,
Further noting that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia had withdrawn from the Organization, its withdrawal becoming effective during 1966,
Decides that the contribution due from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for 1966 should accrue to Miscellaneous Income.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
496. The Conference noted the recommendation of the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council that in view of the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar on 26 April 1964, the separate assessments of these countries for 1964 and 1965 be cancelled and replaced with the single assessment of the United Republic of Tanzania.
497. The Conference consequently adopted the following resolution.
Assessment of Tanzania
Having considered the Report of the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council,
Noting the recommendations of the United Nations Committee on Contributions under which the United Republic of Tanzania would be assessed in the United Nations Scale of Assessments at 0.04 percent,
Recalling that the Twelfth Session of the Conference had assessed the former individual States of I Tanganyika and Zanzibar at the minimum rates of 0. 04 percent and 0. 024 percent respectively for the years 1964 and 1965,
Decides to cancel the separate assessments of the former States of Tanganyika and Zanzibar for the years 1964 and 1965, and to fix the assessment of the United Republic of Tanzania for those same years at 0. 04 percent.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
Contributions and advances by new members and associate members
498. In accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII. 3 of the Constitution, Rule XIX. 3 of the General Rules of the Organization and Financial Regulation 5. 8, the Conference decided that the contributions to be paid by the newly-admitted Member Nations and Associate Members for the year 1965 would be as follows:
Member Nations |
Gambia | $1,775 |
Malawi | $1,775 |
Zambia | $1,775 |
Associate Members |
Basutoland | $ 1,065 |
Bechuanaland | $ 1,065 |
499. In accordance with Financial Regulations 6. 2 (b) (ii) the advances to the Working Capital Fund by new Member Nations were as follows:
Gambia | $19,000 |
Malawi | $1,000 |
Zambia | $1,000 |
Arrears from Bolivia
500. The Conference considered the reports of the Forty-Fourth and Forty-Fifth Sessions of theCouncil concerning the proposal of the Government of Bolivia to liquidate its arrears of contributions over a ten-year period, while at the same time meeting current assessments.
501. The Conference, having considered the difficult economic and financial position of Bolivia, adopted the following resolution, stressing however that this should not be regarded as constituting a precedent:
Arrears from Bolivia
Noting that the Government of Bolivia had made a proposal, at a time when its arrears of contributions amounted to $28,930.71, that Us arrears be liquidated over a period of 10 years while at the same time paying its current contribution when due,
Further noting that the first installment amounting to $2, 893. 14 due under such an arrangement as well as the contribution due for 1964 had been received in 1964,
Decides that:
(a) notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5. 5, Bolivia's arrears shall be settled through the payment of ten annual installments;
(b) the first instalment, amounting to $2, 893. 14, having been paid in 1964, the following eight instalments shall be of equal amounts of $2, 893. 00, and the final instalment payable in 1973 shall be $2,893. 57;
(c) the annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund shall be considered as fulfilment of Bolivia's financial obligations to the Organization.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
a) Level of the working capital fund
b) Authority of the director-general for emergency action for the control of livestock diseases
c) Reimbursement of withdrawal - amendment of pensionable remuneration
a) Level of the working capital fund
502. The Conference noted that the Director-General had recommended a Working Capital Fund of $5,000,000 in view of:
- The increase in the level of the budget.
- The provision of funds for use in the control of
Epizootics in certain emergencies.
- The change in the payment pattern of contributions.
- The problems encountered in the 1964-65 biennium in
meeting the cost of unbudgeted and unforeseen Increases.
503. The Conference further noted that the Finance Committee at Its Thirteenth Session and the Council at Its Forty-Fourth Session had agreed with the Director-General that an Increase in the level of the Working Capital Fund was necessary. However, the Council concurred with the recommendation of the Finance Committee that a level of $4,500,000 (including an amount of $500,000 to fund emergency expenditure on Epizootics) would be appropriate in the circumstances. The Finance Committee had recommended and the Council had concurred that the increase from $2.95009000 to $4,500,000 should be financed in the following manner:
- To the extent of $1 million, by application to the Fund of the Miscellaneous income of the 1966-67 biennium;
- To the extent of $1 million, by application to the Fund of a part of the Administrative and Operational Servicing Costs accruing from the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance in the 1966-67 biennium.
504. The Conference noted that this method of financing was at variance with the provisions of Financial Regulations 5. 2 (a) and 7. 1, but that it would ensure a more speedy build-up in the level of the Fund while not affecting the total financial obligations of Member Nations, and adopted the following resolution:
Level of the Working Capital Fund
Considering the need to provide an appropriate relationship between the level of the Working Capital Fund and the level of the Budget in order to safeguard the financial liquidity of the Organization,
Considering also the need to increase the Working Capital Fund to cover demands that may be made on it to provide funds for use in the control of Epizootics in certain emergencies,
Noting that the Finance Committee recommended that the level of the Working Capital Fund be increased to $4,500,000, and that this Increase be met:
First by applying the estimated Miscellaneous Income for 1966-67 to the extent of $1,000,000 and,
Secondly by applying $1,000,000 of the Administrative and Operational Servicing Costs which will accrue to the Organization in 1966-67 from the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance,
Noting further that the Council at Its Forty-Fourth Session concurred in the recommendations of the Finance Committee,
Decides that as from I January 1966 the level of the Working Capital Fund shall be $4,500,000, and that:
(a) Member Nations shall be reassessed in accordance with the provisions of Financial Regulations 6. 2 (v) as from I January 1966 on the basis of the Scale of Contributions for 1966-67;
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 5.2(a) the estimated Miscellaneous Income for 1966-67 in the amount of $1,000,000, together with $1,000,000 of the Administrative and Operational Servicing Costs which will accrue to the Organization in 1966-67 from the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, shall be applied to meet the increase, and credited to Member Nations in accordance with the 1966-67 Scale of Contributions.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
505. Some governments expressed reservations concerning the financing of emergency expenditure on Epizootics from the Working Capital Fund.
b) Authority of the director-general for emergency action for the control of livestock diseases
506. The Conference considered the proposal of the Finance Committee as endorsed by the Council concerning the financing of initial emergency measures to control Epizootics, and adopted the following resolution:
Authority of the Director-General for Emergency - Action for the Control of Livestock Diseases
Recalling that at Its Twelfth Session It had authorized the Director-General to withhold the distribution of any cash surplus of the 1962-63 biennium in order to establish an Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Diseases (Resolution No. 25/63),
Noting that no cash surplus arose from that biennium,
Recalling further that It had requested the Director-General, in such event, to give consideration to the establishment of a Fund from outside sources, and to request Member Nations to offer practical suggestions to this effect,
Noting that no practicable proposals for financing from outside sources were received;
Concurs in the opinion of the Finance Committee that the augmented Working Capital Fund has been established at a level sufficient to finance initial emergency measures for the control of outbreaks of livestock diseases under emergency circumstances which constitute a potential epizootic threat to livestock of other countries;
Authorizes the Director-General, after consultation
with the Chairman of the Finance Committee or another member of
that Committee designated by him, and in the light of the
recommendations of an Advisory Panel of technical experts,
notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.3, to
withdraw up to $500,000 from the Working Capital Fund to finance
such measures, subject to the proviso that no more than $100.000
may be withdrawn up to 30 June 1966;
Requests the Director-General to:
(a) establish under Article VI(4) of the Constitution such an Advisory Panel comprising three experts of acknowledged competence in epizootiology with three alternates, each being a national of a different Member Nation;
(b) report to the Council or to the Finance Committee, whichever meets first, immediately after funds have been withdrawn from the Working Capital Fund under this Resolution, giving details of the use made of such withdrawals.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
c) Reimbursement of withdrawal - amendment of pensionable remuneration
507. The Conference noted that the General Assembly of the United Nations had established I March 1965 as the effective date for the introduction of the "full gross" basis for pensionable remuneration of staff members of the United Nations, and that at its Forty-Fourth Session the FAO Council had authorized the Director-General to withdraw an amount of $140,000 from the Working Capital Fund in order to finance the Introduction of this measure for FAO staff in 1965.
508. The Conference endorsed the Council's recommendation that, notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.1(b), an amount of $140,000 from the excess miscellaneous income of 1964/65 should be used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund with the amount withdrawn from the fund for this purpose, and adopted the following resolution:
Reimbursement of Withdrawal - Amendment of Pensionable Remuneration
Noting that the Forty-Third Session of the Council authorized the withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of an amount of $170,000 to meet the unbudgeted expenditure resulting from the change in the basis of pensionable remuneration as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution A/RES/2007 (XIX)),
Noting that the amount required for this purpose was re-estimated by the Forty-Fourth Session of the Council at $140,000,
Noting that in accordance with Financial Regulation 6.5(b) advances made from the Working Capital Fund shall be reimbursed by such method as the Conference determines;
Further noting that Miscellaneous Income in 1964/65 is expected to exceed substantially the original estimate,
Decides that notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.1(b) an amount of $140,000 from the excess Miscellaneous Income of 1964/65 shall be used to reimburse the Working Capital Fund for the abovementioned withdrawal.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
509. In accordance with the provisions of General Rule XXXII. 1(b), the Conference approved that the emoluments of the Director-General be amended to a gross annual salary of $43,000 ($28,100 net) with a representation allowance of $10,000 and decided also that the representation allowance of the Deputy Director-General be amended to $3,700, such amendments to be effective as of 1 January 1966.
510. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Publications Revolving Fund
Approves the budget for the 1966-67 biennium for the Publications Revolving Fund, as presented by the Director-General and contained in Annex XII to the 1966-67 Program of Work and Budget (document C 65/3), except that the allocation for sales promotion purposes in the biennium 1966-67 shall not exceed $40,000.
(Adopted 6.12.65)
Contents -