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C. Administrative matters

Headquarters accommodation

511. The Conference had before it a report of the Director-General (document C 65/47), out lining recent developments, and describing the future outlook with regard to office premises at Headquarters. A report on the same subject by the Forty-Fifth Session of the Council (C 65/LIM/38) was also available.

512. The Conference noted that additional office space would be required in the near future as a result of the rapid expansion of the Organization's programs. Recalling that the Italian Government had promised at the Twelfth Session of the Conference to make available Building "D" at the earliest possible date, the Conference appealed to the Government to speed the handover of this building as the only fully satisfactory solution. The Conference recognized however that the acquisition of Building "D" might require some additional time, in spite of all co-operative efforts, and therefore requested the Italian Government to be good enough to assist the Director-General in acquiring additional office premises. In this connection, the Conference was informed that negotiations were currently under way for such premises, and that the Government was lending support and assistance.

513. The Conference noted that additional expenditures would necessarily be Incurred for such extra space as might be acquired. The Director-General indicated, that the first effort would be to achieve savings to meet these costs; If necessary, also other means of financing would be sought.

514. The Conference recalled that at its Twelfth Session the problem of revising the Headquarters boundaries had been reviewed. As the matter was still not resolved, the Conference appealed to the Italian authorities to take all possible steps to speed the conclusion of the long negotiations. The Conference was informed by the Italian Delegation that the necessary approvals had been secured at the governmental level and that only final action by local authorities remained to be taken. The Italian Delegation assured the Conference that the matter would be satisfactorily resolved in the very near future.

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