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F. Agreement between the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the intergovernmental maritime consultative organization (IMCO)


Whereas the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization (hereinafter referred to as FAO) provides that the Organization may enter into agreements with other international organizations with related activities in order to define methods of co-operation; and

Whereas the Convention of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (hereinafter referred to an IMCO) provides that the Organization shall co-operate with any Specialized Agency of the United Nations in matters which may be the common concern of the Organization and of such specialized agency, and shall consider such matters and act with respect to them in accord with such Specialized Agency;

FAO and IMCO agree as follows:

Co-operation and consultation

FAO and IMCO agree that with a view to facilitating the effective attainment of the objectives set forth in the Constitution of FAO and the Convention of IMCO within the general framework established by the Charter of the United Nations, they will act in close co-operation with each other and will consult each other regularly in regard to matters of common interest.

Reciprocal representation

1. Representatives of FAO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the IMCO Assembly and to participate without vote in the deliberations of the Assembly and of its commissions and committees with respect to items on their agenda in which FAO has an interest.

2. Representatives of IMCO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the FAO Conference and to participate without vote in the deliberations of the Conference and of its committees with respect to items on their agenda in which IMCO has an Interest.

3. Representatives of FAO shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Council of IMCO and the
Maritime Safety Committee, their subcommittees or commissions, and to participate without vote in the deliberations thereof with respect to items on their agenda in which FAO has an interest.

4. Representatives of IMCO shall be invited to attend meetings of the FAO Council, Us committees or commissions, and to participate without vote in the deliberations thereof with respect to items on its agenda in which IMCO has an interest.

5. Appropriate arrangements shall be made by agreement from time to time for the reciprocal representation of FAO and IMCO at other meetings convened under their respective auspices which consider matters in which the other Organization has an interest.

FAO-IMCO Joint Committees

1. FAO and IMCO may refer to a joint commission or committee any question of common interest which it may appear desirable to refer to such a committee.

2. Any such joint commission or committee shall consist of Member Nations and Associate Members or of representatives designated by each Organization, the type of representation and number of members being decided by agreement between the two Organizations.

3. The United Nations and other specialized agencies may also be invited to attend the meetings of joint commissions and committees and to participate without vote in their deliberations.

4. The reports of any such joint commission or committee shall be communicated to the
Director-General of FAO and the Secretary -General of IMCO for submission to the appropriate body or bodies of the two Organizations.

5. Any such joint commission or committee shall regulate its own procedure.

Exchange of information and documents

1. Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential material, the fullest and promptest exchange of information and documents shall be made between FAO and IMCO.

2. The Director-General of FAO and the Secretary -General of IMCO, or their authorized representatives, shall, upon the request of either party, consult with each other regarding the provision by either Organization of such special information as may be of interest to the other.

Co-operation between Secretariats

The Secretariat of IMCO and the Secretariat of FAO shall maintain a close working relationship in accordance with such arrangements as may have been agreed upon from time to time by the Director-General of FAO and the Secretary -General of IMCO.

Administrative and technical co-operation

IMCO and FAO agree to consult each other from time to time regarding the most efficient use of personnel and resources and appropriate methods of avoiding the establishment and operation of competitive or overlapping facilities and service.

Statistical services

In view of the desirability of maximum co-operation in the statistical field and of minimizing the burden placed on national governments and other organizations from which information may be collected, IMCO and FAO undertake to avoid undesirable duplication between them with respect to the collection, compilation and publication of statistics and to consult with each other on the most efficient use of information, resources and technical personnel in the field of statistics.

Personnel arrangements

FAO and IMCO agree that the measures to be taken by them, within the framework of the general arrangements for co-operation in regard to personnel matters to be made by the United Nations, will include:

  • (a) measures to avoid competition in the recruitment of their personnel; and

    (b) measures to facilitate interchange of personnel on a temporary or permanent basis, in appropriate cases, in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights.

    Financing of special services

    If compliance with a request for assistance made by either Organization to the other would involve substantial expenditure for the Organization complying with the request, consultation shall take place with a view to determining the most equitable manner of meeting such expenditure.

    Implementation of the agreement

    1. The Director-General of FAO and the Secretary-General of IMCO may enter into such supplementary arrangements for the implementation of this Agreement as may be found desirable in the light of the operating experience of the two Organizations.

    2. The liaison arrangements provided for in the foregoing articles of this Agreement shall apply as far as appropriate to the relations between such branch or regional offices as may be established by the two Organizations as well as between their central machinery.

    Notification to and registration by the United Nations

    1. In accordance with their respective agreements with the United Nations, FAO and IMCO will inform the Economic and Social Council forthwith of the terms of the present Agreement.

    2. On the coming into force of the present Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Article ME, it will be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for filing and recording in pursuance of Article 10 of the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1946.

    Revision and termination

    1. This Agreement shall be subject to revision by agreement between FAO and IMCO.

    2. The Agreement may be terminated by either party on 31 December of any year by notice given to the other party not later than 30 September of that year.

    Entry into force

    This Agreement shall come into force on its approval by the Assembly of IMCO and by the FAO Council, subject to confirmation by the FAO Conference.

    G. Agreement for the co-ordination of FAO and Inter-American development bank (IDB) activities

    The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (hereinafter called FAO) and the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (hereinafter called IDB),


    That among the basic objectives of the two organizations is that of promoting agricultural development in Latin America, as evidenced in the conclusions of the Eighth Regional Conference of FAO and in the deliberations of the Workshop on Agricultural Financing in Latin America, the latter sponsored by IDB, and both having been held in Viņa del Mar, Chile; and

    That the experience of co-operation between the two organizations has demonstrated the desirability of concluding an Agreement for the co-ordination and promotion of their activities in the field of financing the agricultural sector,



    IDB and FAO agree by means of this Agreement to co-ordinate their activities in agricultural matters, the said activities being construed as those pertaining to agriculture in the strict sense, animal husbandry, forestry, fisheries and systems of conservation, processing, and marketing of, and trade in, products resulting from such activities as well as agricultural aspects of the economic integration of Latin America. When IDB shall require the assistance of an external agency for agricultural projects, that agency shall preferably be FAO, without prejudice, however, to the right of IDB to seek the collaboration of other public or private agencies, in given projects, in which case It will in due course inform FAO of such measures as It may have taken.

    Co-ordination program

  • (a) IDG may request the collaboration of FAO in the following cases:
  • (1) identification, preparation and execution of agricultural projects for economic and social development in countries that are Members of both institutions;

    (2) evaluation of such projects, in specific operations of IDB;

    (3) training of technical personnel under IDB programs, as well as the holding of seminars, courses and surveys in the fields contemplated in Article I of this Agreement;

    (4) study of the general economic or agricultural development of the countries which are Members of both institutions.

  • (b) FAO, in turn, may take the initiative in informing IDB of projects it deems suitable for the latter's consideration regarding the possibilities of financing in accordance with Its regulations and policies.


    In each case, the terms and conditions on which FAO and IDB make their contributions to a specific project, and the procedure to be followed in its execution, shall be the subject of agreement. In such cases, the personnel to be designated by FAO and IDB shall be selected by common agreement. When IDB and FAO shall have reached agreement with regard to a specific project they may by mutual accord request the participation of any other organization in such project.


    IDB and FAO shall each designate liaison officers to be responsible for the co-ordination of activities pursuant to this Agreement.


    The expenses arising from the execution of specific operations in application of Article II of this Agreement shall be shared between the parties concerned in such manner and proportion as they shall agree upon in advance in each particular case. The contribution of FAO shall consist of general overhead costs, including office space and other identifiable indirect expenditures including personnel for short-term missions. With regard to the contribution of IDB, the aforementioned prior agreement shall specify the expense for which it will be responsible.

    Duration of the Agreement

  • (a) This Agreement shall have an initial term of two years and shall be considered Implicitly extended for successive periods, likewise of two years, unless one of the parties expresses a desire to terminate it sixty days before the expiration of any such biennial periods.

    (b) Either party may also terminate this Agreement in the course of such biennial periods if, It so notifies the other party six months in advance.

    (c) It to understood that the termination of this Agreement shall not affect the completion of the specific projects already initiated within the period established for each of them in particular, pursuant to the stipulations of Article M.


    The provisions set forth in this Agreement may be amended with the approval of both institutions.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank and of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have signed this Agreement in two equally authentic copies in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, on the twenty-third day of July 1965.

    H. Memorandum of understanding with respect to working arrangements between the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations and the international bank for reconstruction and development (IBRD) and the international development association (IDA)

    FAO and the Bank have for many years been co-operating on an ad basis on matters of common concern. Now that the Bank intends to put more emphasis than hitherto on schemes for Improvement of agricultural production, which are of equal concern to FAO, this co-operation will have to be intensified. It accordingly appears desirable both to FAO and the Bank that working arrangements be agreed upon setting forth the principles to govern such co-operation.

    These working arrangements, as agreed upon by the Director-General of FAO and the President of the Bank, subject to the approval specified in paragraph 7 hereof, are as follows:

    1. The co-operative program

    FAO and the Bank will co-operate together in the following fields:

  • (a) Assisting countries of common membership in the identification and preparation of agricultural projects of types which fall within the framework of the economic development objectives and general policies of the Bank and FAO and which the Bank to wining to consider for financing (including projects for agricultural education falling within FAO's field of responsibility).

    (b) Appraising projects of the foregoing types.

    (c) Providing end-use supervision of the execution and operation of Bank-financed projects.

    (d) Arranging for technical assistance required for the implementation of Bank-financed projects.

  • Assistance to Member Governments in agricultural planning is recognized as an important foundation for investment programs in the long-term. Insofar as this type of activity Is carried out by FAO an part of its Regular or other programs, it to the sole responsibility of FAO. However, in cases agreed with the Bank where FAO carries out this type of activity at the request of the Bank or in co-operation with the Bank, the activity will be part of the co-operative program.

    2. Allocation of functions within the co-operative program

  • (a) Assistance to Governments in identification and preparation of projects
  • (i) At FAO initiative

    FAO will bring to the notice of the Bank projects which appear suitable for Bank financing arising from FAO's activities, whether under its Regular or other programs. The Bank will advise FAO whether such projects are prima fact suitable for consideration for financing, and if so, what further action, if any, needs to be taken in order to prepare such projects for appraisal. Moreover, where, in the course of its own activities, FAO wishes the assistance of the Bank in determining whether a project to likely to qualify for Bank or other external financing or what further steps are necessary to prepare it for appraisal, the Bank will provide such assistance, assuming staff resources permit, either by way of review of the project at Bank headquarters or by participating in the field work.

    (ii) At Bank initiative

    The general survey missions organized by the Bank may Include among their functions the identification of promising projects in various sectors. The Bank will normally look to FAO to provide, as part of the co-operative program, staff members or consultants to serve as advisers to such missions. These advisers will participate in defining priority fields and major projects for investment in agriculture in the framework of overall development objectives. Missions of this type will be briefed by both the Bank and FAO and both organizations will review and comment upon the draft reports of such missions. In addition to these general survey missions, the Bank periodically sends smaller missions to a Member Country to review the country's economic situation and to assess the possibilities for Bank financing. Such economic missions usually make a preliminary selection among projects submitted by the Government, and may sometimes suggest that the Government work up a specific project for Bank consideration. The Bank will advise FAO of all such missions on which it Is proposed to include an agricultural member, and will normally arrange for such missions to consult with FAO with regard to agricultural investment priorities and possible projects. In agreed cases, FAO will provide, as part of the co-operative program, a staff member or consultant to serve as agricultural adviser to such a mission. Where, in the opinion of the Bank, a project not yet ready for appraisal is sufficiently promising to warrant further preparation, and the Government in question has requested assistance in such preparation, FAO will normally provide such assistance as part of the co-operative program.

    (iii) General

    In all work connected with the identification and preparation of projects falling under the co-operative program, FAO and the Bank will maintain continuing consultation in order that they may agree on a work program and on the priorities to be assigned to different projects, and in order to minimize the possibilities of substantive disagreement. The support of Headquarters facilities will at all times be given to Bank and FAO staff and consultants engaged in work under the co-operative program.

  • (b) Appraisal of projects

    The Bank will be responsible for the appraisal of projects, upon the basis of which its financing decisions are made. However, at the request of the Bank, FAO will provide, as part of the co-operative program, staff members or consultants to serve as agricultural advisers on Bank appraisal missions.

    (c) End-use supervision of bank-financed projects

    The Bank will be responsible for the disbursement of funds and the end-use supervision of the construction and maintenance of physical facilities, and to this end will be responsible for such review as may be appropriate of the specifications, bids and awards of contracts, and for whatever Inspections of the project are necessary in this connection. FAO will, in cases agreed with the Bank assume responsibility as part of the co-operative program, to ascertain, both through field inspections and through review of periodic reports and to advise the Bank whether the agricultural objectives of the project are being achieved, and in particular whether the obligations undertaken by the borrower in this regard are being fulfilled. The results of FAO's end-use work in the agricultural aspects of Bank-financed projects will be made available to the Bank and, in the event that representations to the borrower should be necessary on agricultural matters, FAO and the Bank will consult together on how they might beat be made.

    (d) Technical assistance in project Implementation

    In cases agreed with the Bank, FAO will provide or arrange for, and will exercise appropriate supervision over, technical assistance required for the direct implementation of a Bank-financed project.

  • 3. Personnel

    It is agreed that the co-operative program requires a team of specialized personnel of high caliber with the FAO Secretariat which can devote itself continuously to this work (hereafter referred to for purposes of this Memorandum as "FAO team"). The Director-General of FAO will therefore make provision for such a team to be established as an identifiable group within the FAO Secretariat. FAO and the Bank will agree from time to time on the appropriate size of the FAO team and on the types and classifications of positions to be included within the team, and the Director-General of FAO will consult with the Bank on the appointment of professional staff to the team.

    The FAO team, although it will be devoted full time to work in connection with the co-operative program, will be an integral part of the FAO secretariat and will operate under the exclusive authority of the Director-General of FAO. Both FAO and the Bank agree that it is desirable that the hard core of the team should to the greatest possible extent be composed of existing FAO staff members. However, it to recognized that for a variety of reasons new staff and ad hoc consultants will be necessary, both in the initial phases of co-operation and as the program expands, although generally maximum care will be taken to secure continuity in employment. It is also recognized that it will be necessary and desirable from time to time to use FAO staff members outside the -team for purposes of the co-operative program.

    In cases where FAO intends to appoint an outside consultant to serve as agricultural adviser to a Bank mission, or to provide technical assistance in the implementation of a Bank-financed project, it will consult with the Bank as to the person to be appointed.

    4. Financial arrangements

  • (a) Subject to the qualifications set forth below, the direct costs of FAO in connection with agreed work under the Program, including salaries, allowances and other benefits and travel costs of the FAO team, of outside consultants and of other FAO staff members assigned to such work, will, until December 31, 1965, be shared equally by FAO and the Bank up to a ceiling figure to be fixed from time to time by agreement between the two organizations.

    (b) The travel and subsistence expenses of FAO staff members and consultants, while serving as members of Bank appraisal, general survey or other missions, will be borne or provided for by the Bank.

    (c) FAO will pay for invisible overhead costs, including space, and for identifiable indirect costs (except as provided in subparagraphs (d) and (e) involved in its participation in the co-operative program.

    (d) The Bank will bear the cost of document reproduction and translation undertaken by FAO, in agreement with the Bank.

    (e) The cost of technical assistance directly required for the implementation of Bank-financed projects, Including an amount for FAO's estimated administrative costs in arranging for such technical assistance in cases agreed with the - Bank, will be paid for out of the proceeds of the financing or will be otherwise met by the Bank. The amount for estimated administrative costs will be 12 percent of the direct cost of such technical assistance, except where technical assistance is provided under contract between FAO and some outside entity, in which event the amount will be fixed by agreement between FAO and the Bank.

    (f) It is recognized that the calendar years 1964 and 1965, which comprise FAO's present budgetary biennium, are a transitional period during which FAO's contribution is limited by its existing budget. For those years, the agreed ceiling figure for purposes of subparagraph (a) above, to be shared equally by the two organizations, will be $400, 000 for the biennium. FAO's costs in excess of this amount will be met by the Bank, provided that FAO will not incur or commit itself to incur costs in excess of $800, 000 (the presently estimated cost of the co-operative program) during the biennium without the prior approval of the Bank.

    (g) Continuation of the Program beyond December 31, 1965, will be subject to mutual agreement in the light of experience and to the decision of FAO's 1965 Conference. If the Program is continued the direct costs of FAO for agreed work under the Program as defined in subparagraph (a) shall be shared in the proportion of 25 percent by FAO and 75 percent by the Bank, subject to the qualifications set forth in subparagraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e).

    (h) The Bank and FAO will agree on the procedures for payment of funds from the Bank to FAO, and for accounting to the Bank by FAO, in connection with the co-operative program, Including if possible provision for a working fund out of which the expenses of the program can be met.

  • 5. Relations with other agencies

    Where the Bank looks to any outside agency for assistance in connection with agricultural projects, that agency will normally be FAO. However, there may be cases where, because of the type of project involved or because of special circumstances, It would be appropriate and desirable for the Bank to look to some other agency, public or private, to perform some or all of the functions which FAO would ordinarily perform under these Working Arrangements. It is agreed that in all such cases the Bank will consult FAO on the action it proposes to take. It is also agreed that the Bank will not subject FAO's advice on agricultural matters within its competence and covered by the co-operative program to review by any outside agency.

    6. Modification and termination

    These Working Arrangements may be modified or supplemented at any time by mutual agreement between the two organizations. Each organization may, after reasonable notice, terminate the arrangements, provided that, If they are terminated by the Bank, the Bank will reimburse FAO for the financial consequences of cancelling personnel commitments entered into for purposes of the co-operative program.

    7. Effectuation of the arrangements

    The Working Arrangements will become operative on an interim basis when this Memorandum of Understanding Is signed by the Director-General of FAO and the President of the Bank, but the continuation thereof will be subject to the approval of the Boards of Governors in the case of the Bank and IDA, and of the Council in the case of FAO. It is contemplated that the necessary approvals will authorize payment by the Bank to FAO retroactively to I March 1964 of expenses incurred for purposes of the co-operative program which would have been eligible for payment If these Working Arrangements had been effective on that date.

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