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4. Modification to Feed Mill and Equipment

4.1  In conference with the director - FRI, CSO-FARS, Vice - Chancellor BAU (former director FRI) FRI Engineer and Member Director, Fisheries of BARC the modification to the experimental feed mill was agreed upon. The SW bay of constructed feed mill will be used to house the freezer cooler units to provide greater security for materials and to facilitate operations of both feed mill and other personnel at FARS. The feed mill building has been provided with 50 Amp 440 volt 3 phase current which is ample to run all equipment and the freezer units on an emergency basis without robbing the station of emergency electric service demands. It is anticipated only short term (minutes) of stand by power would be used to complete a loaded operating feed mill line to clear equipment before orderly shutdown until commercial power is returned. Therefore the unit will have an blast freezer capability of about 1 ton of raw material and a holding capacity of about 15 tons of frozen material. The room will operate at -10° to -20°C and will provide ample space for experimental lots of fish, flesh meats, waste products, etc useful for various diet preparations and in addition will provide short term and long term storage of critical station items under commercial storage conditions.

The cool room (3–5°C) will have a holding capacity of 5–8 tons of material and provide safe storage of perishable items between feedings or between manufacturing sequences. A sketch of the building modifications has been left with the ExI-FRI, and the specifications for the freezer and cooler equipment in Annex F.

4.2  At the request of the Director, FRI and MDF, BARC an ammended list for minimum equipment for producing mash and extruded feeds in the experimentals feed mill was developed togather with current wholesale costs of mill items. The list was expanded to include a fish pasteurizer and boiler for pasteurized semi - moist diet manufacture; for a compressed feed pellet option; and finally expanded with cost estimates to include a flake feed and larval feed capability. A decision in conference was made to try to purchase all items on the reduced list including the freezer - cooler items, to provide a reasonable capability to produce a variety of feeds in the diet development programme of FRI.

When monies become available by delay in other phasing of FRI developments and/or reallocation of equipment the tender for maximum equpment on the prioritized list will be advertized with expectation that any ordered equipment will experience a 6–9 month delay of arrival and subsequent installation at FARS. This means the NDD is severely curtailed for at least an additional year before any meaningful effective diet development and diet testing can be done. The reduced list of itemized equipment with current costs FOB seattle, London or Tokyo can be found in Annex G with expanded specifications for each item listed in Annex H. This reduced list deletes the rolled pellet option from feed manufacturing capabilities at FRI.

4.3  This streamlined experimental feed mill modification, the list of equipment and specifications for each item included were reviewed by DFRI, WB, FAO and MDF, BARC and found to be appropriate for feed manufacturing capabilities for laboratory quantities of feeds necessary for diet development testing. The materials flow diagrams of the various feed lines can be seen in Annex I and can be compared with the original lines of equipment planned for the feed mill in 1986.

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