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5. Assistance for Technical Support During Extension

5.1  Conferences with Ross Wallace, WB and Jan Poulisse, FAO reviewed current progress in FRI element development. Funds expended to date amount to about 50% of funds available for the project. A two year extension has been agreed upon and additional monies for equipment have been tentatively approved for the 1989 – 1991 period of extension. Dr. Gupta has submitted a draft proposal for 39 m/m of technical assistance during the two year extension period. The Director, Prof Islam of FRI will submit the formal research for TA to UNDP where the request has been discussed and probably will be approved.

5.2  The Technical Assistance request to UNDP does not include any consultancy in nutrition and diet development. When the feed mill equipment is ordered and delivered it will be necessary to have a feed technologist consultant present during initial start up and demonstrating to station personnel SAFE operation and proper maintenance of equipment.

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