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7. General Observations

7.1  The fish seed production programmes at FARS are progressing on schedule. Major emphasis of most personnel at FARS are focused on these successful research accomplishments. Ten species of fish can now be routinely spawned. Seedstock is sold to generate income for hatchery and demonstration farm activities. New programmes in fry to fingerling rearing for stronger stock for the farmer should be started. New target species for aquaculture in Bangladesh have now been almost all spawned; hence part the programme in this area should be redirected into other necessary aquaculture areas such as 1) Nutrition and Disease (2) Diet and Trauma Reduction (3) Larval Feeds for Finfish and Shrimp.

7.2  The general aquaculture demonstrations such as polyculture techniques; fish cum duck; fish cum chicken; and fish cum shrimp are developing well. Techniques to improve production with cost effective stratagies are bcoming evident for local farmer and industrial applications.

7.3  The extensive prolonged delays in procurement of equipment are emasculating the nutrition and diet development programme, and are making any planned programme unachievable in any orderly manner. Personnel are expected to do research without even minimal equipment found in the most primative laboratories. SAFETY is ignored when work must be done without a functional Hood and administrative personnel of FRI and the government must take responsibility for these delays and misuse of expensive consultants time and donor agency funds.

7.4  Extensive delays in implementing the BFRS, the RFRS, and the MFRS programmes have resulted in accumulation of allocated funds for planned but non consumated activities. Reallocation of funds and rescheduling emphasis toward obtainable goals will generate confidence in management decisions and project performance.

7.5  Movement of FRI headquarters to Dhaka close to government offices communications, and support facilities, and centrally located for the 4 research stations would improve effectiveness of FRI management and minimized frequent expensive travel between Mymensingh and Dhaka. The CSO of FARS could then more effectively supervise and be held directly accountable for effective research and development at this large station which has multiple R & D projects in many areas of freshwater fish husbandry. The director of FRI would also be removed from daily time consuming problems at FARS and be able to see the progress on missions of the various stations of FRI in better perspective.

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