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8. Recommendations

8.1  Advertize and let tender for missing equipment for the nutrition laboratory immediately. Further delay is inexcusable and most counter productive.

8.2  Purchase a programable computer with spreadsheet and statistical recording and analysis capability for NDD programmes. An IBM or Apple compatable computer should be specified.

8.3  Advertize and let tender for the modified freezer/cooler equipment. One complete package bid should be specified with bidder to provide schematic details for installation in modified feed mill building and to supply all necessary tubing, valves, controls and spares for at least one year of continuous operations.

8.4  Construct the freezer/cooler area in the first bay of the feed mill building and the equipment slab adjacent to the building.

8.5  Construct the diet testing building for multiple small scale diet trials with fish and shrimp.

8.6  Advertize and let tender for maximum possible feed mill equipment. Require one bidder supply all equipment. Require bidder to furnish engineer/technician for one week at site to demonstrate SAFE operation and maintenance of all equipment to station personnel as soon as equipment is delivered to FARS.

8.7  Initiate testing techniques to prepare and preserve bycatch for feed ingredient in fish and shrimp diets.

8.8  Implement the diet testing trials with blood cockle meat as a component in diets for shrimp production.

8.9  Reserve one man month consultancy for Diet Manufacturing Technologist for period when feed mill equipment is delivered and installed.

8.10 Recruit a SSO with experience to lead NDD programme at FARS.

8.11 Concentrate and finish elements of FRI programme that have been started, show promise and viability, and which are now constrained by optomistic future plans reservation of funds; i.e. (1) complete the NDD laboratory before committing funds for future genetic lab unrealistic programme (2) complete feed mill and diet testing building before programming money for BFRS lab equipment (3) integrate diet and disease control research before building an expensive fish pathology lab which at best will be only a fish disease monitoring facility. Since no isolation or contaminated water treatment plant is available to control induced pathogens!!

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