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Mr. Alphonse CollartConseiller Technique Principal des Project MAG/76/002 Developpement des Peches et de l'Aquiculture
Mr. Elias CacourisFAO Country Representative/Resident Representative, Madagascar
Mr. Raphael RabeForestry Director-General, Tananarive
Mr. Andriamahaly RasolfoDirector, Fisheries Division Inland Fisheries and Fish Culture Department of Forestry
Mr. Alexander Rabelahatra1Chief Research Officer, Division of Fisheries, Department of Forestry
Mr. Rene CaissoDirector-General, Campagnie Saliniere, Diego Suarez
Mr. Roland IsaiOfficer-in-Charge of Production, Salt Plant Works
Mr. George RakotunarivoChief, Forestry Service, Diego Suarez
Mr. Jean de DieuFishery Officer, Forestry Office
Mr. Claude RakotunarivoField Survey Officer, Forestry Office
Mr. Guy RabarisonChief, Department Halicutique (Fish Culture), Centre National de Recherche Oceanographique, Nosy-Be
Mr. Pedro PadlanAquaculturist TCP-6-EGY-020T, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt
Mrs. Dora BlessichProject Operations Officer, FAO, Rome
Dr. Andre CocheTechnical Project Officer, Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome
Mr. M. DessbergPersonnel Officer, Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome
Dr. H.R. RabanalSr. Aquaculture Development Officer, SCSP, Manila

1 Will visit Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines by April 1978.

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